Wearing Moldy Trash?

On Thursday (Feb. 20th), I received a goodbye letter from Buzz in the mail. This breaks a three-month streak of the most recent villager moving out after just a month (or less).

Dear Jeff, Well, my streak continues... I just can't seem to settle down in any town for long. This is kind of odd, because I've said so many goodbyes, but this one actually hurts... Goodbye... Buzz

Buzz moved in back in early September, so he lived here for five and a half months.

I also found some valentines in the mail from Baabara, Maple, Belle, and Sydney.

Dearest Jeff, You're the one I like the most. Don't tell anyone. It's not right to boast!

Kind words, scary stationery, and she even included a garbage can with the valentine. Talk about mixed messages.

Puck was talking about igloos, and he gave me some helpful advice about them: Don’t try to eat them. Thanks for that ProTip, man!

Puck: But they're not marshmallows! They're called igloos. So don't try to eat them! Trust me, it's a bad idea!

I met Buzz’s replacement, Boris the cranky pig. After insulting my fashion sense, he gave me a star shirt.

Boris: Hey! Who are you? I certainly don't know you! Hmmm... Jeff??? Nice name, schnort.

I found Gulliver down on the beach, and he told me his tale of fighting off pirates. Or sharks. Or driftwood. Whatever it was, he was lucky to survive! 😉

Gulliver: What I mean to say is... It was pirates! Or sharks again... Something like that...

He gave me a matryoshka, just like the one he gave me in December. And yet, he assured me I won’t find another like it. 😛

I was surprised to see Tortimer hanging out near the wishing well, and I was trying to figure out if it was a holiday I wasn’t aware of. It wasn’t, but it was time for his annual vacation.

Tortimer: What was I saying? Oh! There's a job I need you to do for me. Do you think you can help an old tortoise out?

He asked me to turn the lighthouse on each night for a week, but I’m not going to do it this year. Sorry, Tortimer.

I asked Tom for a job, and he asked me to get his camera back from Bangle. I agreed to help out, but I ultimately had to get the camera from Boris…despite him just having moved in. But Tom thanked me for getting it back, and he said he was wrong for thinking I was such a big dweeb. Wow, thanks. (He also gave me a pineapple bed.)

Tom: I guess I was wrong for thinking you were such a big dweeb. Keep up the good work!

I played again today, and I saw a notice about a treasure hunt on the bulletin board. A jukebox is buried somewhere in Acre F-3.

February 23, 2025: Anyone who wants a jukebox, start digging in Acre F-3! (It's not my fault if it's already gone by the time you get there!)

Baabara asked me what I thought about how she dresses, and I said “It’s OK, I guess.” She got furious at me for that, saying I should look in the mirror…where I’ll see “an idiot…wearing moldy trash!” 😮

Baabara: What do you mean by that? Have you looked in a mirror lately, you ragamuffin? Have you, daahling?!
Baabara: Do you see yourself wearing clothes better than mine?! No! You see an idiot wearing what looks like moldy trash!

That was very uncalled for. She specifically asked for my opinion, and there’s also the fact that she doesn’t actually wear clothes. She wears a scarf, and that’s it. So I got out a pitfall and re-introduced her to the ground. But don’t worry, because her “clothes” didn’t get dirty!

Baabara falls into a pitfall...somehow.

I found Static inside an igloo today. Unlike Genji, who recently boasted about building his igloo himself, Static said that he got someone else to build his igloo. (Maybe that was Genji.)

Static: I only supervised. I got some other guy in the neighborhood to build it.

When I spoke with Emerald, my speech options were “other things” or “I’d like to sell.” I chose the latter, because I wouldn’t mind selling something in my pockets. But she took that to mean that I thought she was Tom Nook. She “corrected” me, informing me that she’s a girl and Tom Nook is a guy. 🙄

Emerald: ...well, he's a guy! I'm a girl, sproing!

She told me to never say anything like that to her again! Wow. All I did was say I wanted to sell something.

Emerald: I don't think it's very funny. Please don't even say anything like that to me again.

Before saving my game for the afternoon, I went down and picked up that treasure hunt item. The jukebox was buried right next to the lighthouse. It was so easy to find that there might as well have been a spotlight right on it. 😛

Digging up a treasure hunt item right next to the lighthouse.

Later on, I started up the game again and returned to the lighthouse to turn it on for the night.

Turning on the lighthouse in Animal Crossing.

However, this is the only night I plan on doing this, so Tortimer will be mad at me when he returns next month. Oh well. 😛

I uploaded my latest video this weekend, GameCube Moments #23:

See you next time!

Sydney’s Sea Bass

Today, I received a goodbye letter from Marcy in the mail. She has already bounced out of town.

Guess what, Jeff! I realize this is a little cuckoo, but I've decided to move. Have I lost it? No!!! I've just got to try to get a fresh start. I don't even know where I'm going yet! See ya! -Marcy

Just south of my home acre, I found an igloo near my central ramp.

An igloo near the central ramp in Forest.

Genji was inside, and he told me that he just built the igloo to surprise me. But it was a lot of hard work “for one beast,” and he was really tired.

Genji, falling asleep in an igloo: Just a little longer... Need sleep...

That peaceful igloo music makes me want to take a nap, too!

Over at Nookington’s, there wasn’t any buying or selling going on today. That’s because it’s the last day of the month: Raffle Day. I didn’t have any raffle tickets, but I did take a quick look at the prizes.

Tom Nook, on Raffle Day: Today's a raffle day, hm? I'm not selling anything.

Maple has a new next-door neighbor, Bangle the tiger! Tigers seem to have particularly huge heads in this game. 😆 She seems nice, but she was not aware that igloos have already started appearing in town.

Bangle: Oooooh! Hey! Do you think we'll start seeing igloos in Forest soon?

When I ran into Belle, she was up to her usual tricks. She wanted me to buy a mod wall for 5,150 bells. If I’m not mistaken, that’s nearly five times what Tom Nook sells it for! So naturally, I declined the offer. She wasn’t particularly rude about my refusal this time, but she did say that was the lowest she could go. Yeah, good luck ever selling it for that much.

Belle: Too rich for your blood, cuddles?

I found Gulliver washed up on the beach, and I woke him up. He used his infamous line that mentions the year, and I never get tired of this bit. 😆

Gulliver: Yawn... What a great nap! What!? It's 2025? But that means I've been asleep for over 150...
Gulliver: ...minutes.

He gave me a Lady Liberty (a model of the Statue of Liberty) for “saving his life.” 🗽

Over at the wishing well, I asked Sydney for a favor. She said she wanted a pet fish, but she insisted that she was awful at fishing.

Sydney: So, Jeff, can you please go catch a fish for me? Otherwise, I'll be forever fishless!

So I went down to the ocean and caught a red snapper. And then I went to catch another fish, because I’m certainly not giving her a 3,000-bell snapper. 😆 But I did catch a nice sea bass for her! 😉 She liked it, and she rewarded me with a lovely chair.

Sydney: I don't know if fish get lonely, but this one won't! I promise to talk to it every day, okey-dokey.

Her catchphrase is one she learned from Kody, “okey-dokey.” But just moments later, Kody asked me for a new phrase to replace his “okey-dokey.” Maybe he didn’t like the fact that Sydney was using it too. 😛 So I gave him a phrase that I once gave to Tammy in New Leaf: game cub.

Kody: Marry me, game cub! Whoa! That sounds awesome! I'm gonna be so popular!!!

I made a stop at the post office to mail away the fossils I dug up, and then I returned home for the day. I’ll see you all next month! Never Stop Crossing!

Snow Reactions

As of last Wednesday, snow now covers the ground in Animal Crossing. Unfortunately, I received Peanut’s goodbye letter in the mail. I was hoping she’d stick around longer, but she has already split.

Jeff! I woke the other day with wanderlust, so I just up and left. Wild, huh? On the road, destination unknown! Anyway, thanks for dealing with my craziness! Cheery-bye! -Peanut

In addition to the snow, there are also festive lights on many non-fruit trees. (That includes cedar trees too, although none of those happen to be in this screenshot.)

Festive lights on trees for the holidays in Animal Crossing.

When I spoke with Buzz, he told me he never sees my face these days. But as he was saying it, I actually spotted a different face watching us from behind the tree! Look closely, and you can see it here:

Buzz: I never see your face at all these days.

I later met Peanut’s replacement, Marcy the kangaroo.

Marcy: My name is Marcy! Isn't it a cute name, young 'un? Yeah... I know it is.

She lived in Forest before, back in 2012. But I also have her in my town of Aja Blu, as you may have seen in my GameCube Moments #22 video from a couple weeks ago. If you haven’t seen it, here it is:

Anyway, I found Gulliver down on the beach. After rambling for a bit, he gave me a stone coin…as a token of his appreciation.

Gulliver: Hmm? Oh! I see! You wanted a TOKEN of my thanks! Well, BWAHAHAHA!

I played again tonight, and it was snowing in town. Candi wondered if I was scared of the snow because she didn’t see me during the day.

Candi: Are you like, scared of snow or what, push me?

She then tried to sell me a checkered shirt for 2,250 bells. I know she’s a mouse, but she’s asking for a lot of cheddar! I declined the offer, and she said she’ll just toss the shirt instead. (And yet she wouldn’t give it to me for free.) That’s Candi for you.

Candi: That's too bad. I guess I'll just toss it, push me.

Marcy was less concerned with ripping me off, and more focused on the snow. She even thought it was romantic.

Marcy: Forest in the snow... ...Don't you think it's, like, so romantic, young 'un?

Puck seemed glad that the snow didn’t keep me from exploring.

Puck: Hey, evening, there. It keeps getting colder and colder, but does it stop your exploring, Jeff? No!

I’m not exactly sure what I would be exploring, though. I’ve been in this town for so long that I think I know every inch of it pretty well by now. 😉

Puck: I'd like to imitate that attitude, brrrrrrrrr! But I probably won't.

And the snow just made Hank want to pop some popcorn. 🍿 It’s nice seeing all the villagers’ reactions to the snow. ❄️

Hank: This snow just doesn't show signs of stopping! Too bad I don't have any corn for popping, huh!

I found Gulliver down on the beach again, and he gave me a matryoshka this time.

Gulliver: I, uh, guess I stayed up too late last night playing video games... I mean, fighting with my shipmates!

I’ve recently posted a video showing the best of my GameCube Moments clips from episodes 11-20. Check it out if you’d like! It’s a nice trip down memory lane, as some of these clips date back to 2018 and 2019!

Enjoy the snow in your Animal Crossing towns, and Happy Holidays! 🎄