
Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog for Animal Crossing on GameCube. In case you don’t know, I am jvgsjeff on Youtube and I make videos of Animal Crossing (and other video games). Here is a video tour of my town:

My current town residents are: Candi, Puck, Kitty, Genji, Maple, Static, Belle, Patty, Ursala, Sydney, Baabara, Hank, Tom, Emerald, and Kody. Of those 15, Kitty and Patty are relatively new and likely won’t stay around. The other 13 have been in my town for years. I’ll try to keep this blog updated on who comes and goes.

I like to play the game as it was meant to be. Meaning, I don’t time travel, I don’t use Action Replay to cheat, and I avoid universal codes as much as possible. Although I admit, if they ever discovered/released a universal code for The Legend of Zelda, I would definitely use it, since there is no legitimate way to acquire that game. Plus, I love Zelda. 🙂

As for what I’m trying to accomplish in my town, there are two main things. I’m slowly trying to replace trees with golden trees (by burying shovels in the daily glowing spots). I have many golden trees now, but I would like even more. I’m also trying to fill up my catalog, or at least as much is reasonably possible.

I also try to maintain my perfect town status, which really only involves pulling weeds since the tree-counting was already done several years ago. In case you’re wondering, I’ve had this game since September 2002, just a few weeks after it was released.

That’s all for the introduction, I s’pose (that’s Otis’s catchphrase, which I enjoy quoting). Future blog entries will be about what happens in Forest. Such as what I did, who did something interesting, what interesting items I got, who moved in/out, and so on. I hope you enjoy this blog and come back again.


7 thoughts on “Introduction”

  1. Hello! This may have been asked somewhere else but I can’t find where; How did you keep these permanent 13? How do you prevent villagers from moving?


    1. It may have something to do with train travel. Each time you go to another town (on another memory card), a villager will move to the town you visit. I used to do a fair amount of train traveling, but I got tired of losing some of my favorite villagers. So once I got some of them back, I stopped train travel completely. And since that point, 13 of my 15 villagers have stayed put.

      But I don’t know the specifics, and I’m not aware of any way to make sure a specific villager is permanent.

  2. Found your channel on YouTube, and I just found this blog. It’s so cool that you’re enjoying all the AC games and chronicling your time with them.

    Your stories really show how amazing all these games are when you can still have new experiences with them after all these years. I hope you continue to have fun in your villages!

  3. I thought I’d check this out since I finally got a copy of this game a mere 14½ years after it came out. This game is SO different! I’m very excited to experience some new adventures. Thank goodness Ursala’s personality changed dramatically in New Leaf. She’s one of my all-time favorites in my New Leaf town, and I was ready to slap her in this video!

    1. Congrats on getting the game, I hope you enjoy it! Make sure to check out the exclusive events. The Cherry Blossom Festival is coming up soon!

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