Just Out of My Reach

It was a clear night tonight, so there were no coelacanths out. But I did some fishing anyway. There are only a few days left before the sea bass return, so I definitely intend to take advantage of that.

I saw a basketball and kicked it into the river. It’s so hard to resist doing that. Later on, I saw a volleyball. It met the same fate. I saw a huge shadow in the river, so I got my fishing rod out and caught an arapaima! The funny thing is, I just caught an arapaima earlier today in City Folk!

I caught an arapaima! This thing is huge!After unsuccessfully trying to glitch Candi and Static, I saw a balloon present. I followed it, but it didn’t get caught in a tree, and it floated north, over the railroad tracks and out of town. Bummer.

A balloon present floats over the railroad tracks and out of town.I sold the remainder of my fish and dropped off an old boot (I caught it when fishing) at the dump. Then I headed for home and ended my day.

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