I’ve Made a Huge Mistake

I played some Animal Crossing tonight, mainly to pick up all my weeds. While walking around, I saw a large shadow in the river, so I got out my fishing rod. Turned out to be an arapaima. I always love catching the large fish in Animal Crossing–except the sea bass of course. I hate sea bass.

In the process of catching an arapaima.I found the day’s money rock and got the full amount from it (7 bags = 13,300 bells). I also found the daily glowing spot (1,000 bells) and buried a shovel in that spot. Hopefully it will become another golden tree. I went in the police station to check the lost-and-found. I took a pad of paper, since I had a fossil that needed to be mailed. I deposited some money in the bank and headed for home.

I’m actually feeling pretty stupid right now. A couple months ago, I was looking through my item checklist and saw there was one model I was missing…the weed model. I looked up when you get that model, and it’s on Founder’s Day. For some reason, I was thinking Founder’s Day was the anniversary of the day you created your town. So I found the day that I first got the game–September 29, 2002. (Yes, I keep track of things like that :P). So I made a note in a text file to play AC on September 29th to attend the Founder’s Day event.

Now September 29th is tomorrow…and the reason I wanted to pick up all my weeds tonight was so that my town would look nice if I recorded a Youtube video of Founder’s Day tomorrow. But I decided to check and make sure…and it turns out Founder’s Day isn’t on your town’s anniversary after all. In fact, it’s on August 21st. Which just passed a month ago! …While my note was still in my file, reminding me to play on 9/29. Ugh.

And if that’s not bad enough, I actually played Animal Crossing on August 21st! But apparently I either didn’t go by the wishing well acre, or perhaps I played at a time when Tortimer wasn’t there. But wow, that’s really disappointing.

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