Fishing Tournament

I started up the game and saw that the fishing tournament was in progress. However, it only had a few minutes left, so I didn’t participate.

Tom: This here's my spot. Ain't nobody gonna pry me from it today.Katrina’s tent was there, so I stopped in and got my fortune told. She told me that money would be coming my way.

Katrina: On a train, a scared-stiff board game will be yelling loudly...I circled around town, and when I got to Static’s acre, Static appeared to fall from the sky! You can’t really tell by the picture so much, but I will likely include a video of it in a future “GameCube Moments” video on Youtube.

Static falling from the sky?I found the day’s money rock, but I messed up and only got five money bags from it. However, Katrina’s spell increased the value of them. Two of them were 10,000 bell bags and the other three were 1,000 bell bags. So instead of 2,300 bells, it was 23,000 bells. That 50 bells for the fortune really paid off.

Ursala then asked me if I ever notice things like who’s dating who and who’s mad at who. I told her not really, and she called me a liar. What nerve.

Ursala: Oh, you're such a liar!So I made a nice little spot for her.

Putting Ursala in jail.On my way back home, I checked the bulletin board to see who won the fishing tournament. It was Mint, who won with a 17-inch fish.

Champion: Mint, for catching a 17-incher!

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