I got a letter in the mail from Chow; he has moved out of town.
I started my walk around town and saw a summer camper’s tent! I went inside and said hello to Ace. He called his tent the home base of the ultimate camping experience.

I played a game with him where I had to guess which kind of fish he caught. I guessed “large char,” but he said I was wrong. So he got to take my mega fizzoid for free.
I noticed a new house over in Puck’s acre. It belonged to Forest’s newest resident, Rizzo the mouse.
As I walked around the lake, I saw a big shadow in the water. That’s fairly unusual, so I knew it was probably something good. I fished it out, and it was a giant catfish! It’s worth 3,000 bells.
I actually talked to Belle for a change, and she was telling me about how she snuck into Static’s house to play NES games! She said Officer Copper chewed her out for that.
I had a lot of weeds in town, so I was pulling up as many as I could find. When I talked to Baabara, she asked me if I wanted to hear her dieting tips. I chose to say the “BO-ring!” option and she got quite offended. So she insults my weight, says that I have the maturity of a six-year-old, and then calls me a big loser.

Over by the ocean, I made the mistake of speaking to Ursala. She forced me to buy some of her clothes.
It was one of those games where they list five items, one at a time, along with a price. For each one, you can buy or pass. But if you pass on the first four items, you are forced to buy the fifth one no matter what. In my experience, these games will have one item that’s priced under 1,000 bells, and all the others will be more. So I followed that strategy and bought the second item, a misty shirt, for 870 bells.
And since it’s Saturday night, I stopped over at the train station to watch (and hear) K.K. perform a song. He sang Imperial K.K. for me.