Ungrateful Ankha

It seems that Kitt the kangaroo has already hopped out of town. I got her goodbye letter in the mail today. I’m a bit sad to see her go, but I’m not surprised. But hey, she sure used some fancy stationery!

Kitt's goodbye letter.

Puck was talking about Gracie, and he said she told him that his clothes were too small for him. He got offended, saying her clothes were even smaller on her.

Puck: It's so unfair. Her clothes were a LOT smaller than mine... They just looked better on her...

Near the bottom of the waterfall, I found a new house. Daisy the dog has moved in! I also have her in my New Leaf town.

Daisy: My name is Daisy. I hope I'll be seeing a lot more of you from now on!

Over by the river, Belle asked me if I liked her outfits. I decided to be nice for once and tell her yes. She then went on about how hard it is to look that great all the time, and she thanked me for recognizing her hotness. I rolled my eyes so hard at that.

Belle: Sometimes it's tough, looking this fine all the time. Way to recognize the hotness!

Then she offered to give me one of her dresses! Oh no, I’ve created a monster!

Belle: Oh, I know! If you like my dresses so much, I'll give you one.

Thankfully, she just gave me a shirt. An A shirt. I put it on, and then went down to the dock to take a trip out to the island. While there, Ankha asked me for an ivory piano. She said she’s emotionally crushed by her inability to find one.

Ankha: I've been looking for one for what seems like forever, but I haven't had any luck. I'm so emo

When I returned to the mainland, I quickly went up to Nookington’s and I ordered the piano for her.

I then continued my walk around town. I stopped in Tom’s house, and he said a little bird told him I had a rhythmoid. He offered me carpet or wallpaper for it; I chose wallpaper and he gave me an arched window.

Tom: A little bird told me you've got a rhythmoid... Hey, looks like you do!

Ursala was talking about Gracie’s “stunning” fashions and how she looks good in any outfit. But she said that a slouch like me could not do justice to Gracie’s designs! How rude! And she said it with a smile on her face, too. She’s lucky I didn’t have a pitfall on me.

Ursala: On the other hand, a total slouch like you simply could not do justice to her fabulous designs, grooomph.

Once I was done, I saved my game and then went back to the Wii menu. The clock on my Wii was still an hour slow since I never adjusted it when Daylight Saving Time started a few weeks back. But I fixed it now, and then started the game back up to see if my piano had arrived–it had.

I went back to the island, and Ankha immediately noticed the piano in my pockets. She gave me 2,920 bells for it–that was actually less than the 3,500 bells I paid for it. She then called me gullible…before “correcting” herself.

Ankha: Can I really, truly have it? Wow, you are sooo gullible... I mean NICE! So NICE!

I spoke to her again to see if she had anything else to say about it, but she didn’t. Instead, she started criticizing my town! She said it’s full of bugs and she hates it!

Ankha: Ugh! I really hate your town! The flowers and the trees... They all have those nasty little bugs all over them!!
Remind me to never do her a favor again.

After that, I returned home and ended my game for the night. But cherry blossom season is coming soon. See you next time!

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