Cherry Blossom Festival 2016

It’s early April, and that means it’s cherry blossom season! Aside from cedar trees and golden trees, all other trees (even fruit trees) will now be pink. In addition, cherry blossom petals fall from the sky. It’s one of the most beautiful times of year in Animal Crossing.

Pink trees and cherry blossoms.
Do you see me?

Down on the beach, I found a dead passed out Gulliver wedged into a corner.

Gulliver on the beach.
That looks painful.

After I woke him up, he started to tell me a dirty joke. But he caught himself before he got to the punchline. So instead, he gave me an item from a far-off land, a shogi piece.

Over at the wishing well, the main event was going on–the Cherry Blossom Festival. The festival runs for three days each year, April 5th through 7th. The atmosphere is very festive, with animals laughing, drinking, and dancing. Food is placed on the tables as well; it’s like an Animal Crossing party!

Ursala, at the Cherry Blossom Festival: During flower viewing, I become quite a discriminating glutton. (GIF)Genji was the dancing beast this year. He wanted me to lose my inhibitions on his bum! I think I’ll look for a better place.

Genji, at the Cherry Blossom Festival: You gotta lose those inhibitions, on my bum!

With all the food sitting out, I hope no flies get on it! But that wouldn’t be a problem for Tad–that just increases the amount of food available!

Tad, at the Cherry Blossom Festival: AND, there's plenty of food! Awesome, sluuuurp!

But leave it to Static to turn a happy occasion into something sad and depressing.

Static, at the Cherry Blossom Festival: Doesn't the sight of petals falling make you feel sad? ...Makes me feel kind of sad. Life is so fragile...Once I was done at the festival, I headed out to the island. I went over to the flagpole and raised the Cavs flag.

Raising the flag. (GIF)
Wait, I’m raising a flag that’s a picture of another flag. Flagception?

I then went in Ankha’s house to see if she used the ivory piano she made me buy her last time. But her house was almost completely empty–nothing in here but a fossil and a spooky lamp.

Ankha's almost empty house.

So I had to speak to her to see what the story was. She again thanked me for the piano…

Ankha: Thank you so much for the ivory piano you gave me the other day.

…and she gave it back to me! After all that trouble I went to!

Ankha: But...I don't think it fits my room, you know? I hate to do this, but would you please take it back?

I gave her a few whacks with my net before I returned to the mainland and ended my game for the day. In case you’re wondering, nobody moved in or out of town this time.

If you’re interested, here is a video of the Cherry Blossom Festival that I recorded last year:

5 thoughts on “Cherry Blossom Festival 2016”

  1. How do you do those pictures of the things moving? Like you have the flag in the one picture moving. How do you do that?!

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