Ohio Update

I’ll talk about my second town of Ohio a bit later in this entry, but first, here’s what’s going on in Forest: When I started up the game today, I got a goodbye letter from Axel in the mail.

Axel's goodbye letter.

It was raining in town, and the lousy weather put Emerald in a bad mood. She lost her will to do anything. You’d think a frog would like the rain, though.

Emerald: Now I've completely lost my will to do anything, and that is just sad, sproing!

Puck was talking about the fishing tournaments coming up in June. He’s hoping that baked beans will be the prize for the winner.

Puck: I really hope it's something like baked beans. That would be great...

Over by Maple’s house, I spotted a new house and animal: Tybalt the yellow tiger! I don’t recall having him before. He seems like a grrrrreat guy to have around town.

Tybalt: Hey! What's up? And nice to meet you. grrrRAH!

Not much else was going on in Forest today, but I do have other things to talk about. For one thing, I made this GIF recently that shows how to change the background of your inventory screen. I know it’s not a new tip or anything, and I’ve mentioned it before. But some people may not know about it…and a GIF is more effective at showing how to do it.

GIF showing how to change your inventory background.Ohio Update

I’ve been playing in my second town of Ohio a bit lately. Since the town was overrun with weeds, I played after midnight several night until I was able to find Wisp. He wanted me to find all five of his kids spirits. So I hunted around until I caught them all. Wisp was clearly very grateful.

Wisp: Oh, thank goodness! You really helped me out! Thank you so much!For my reward, I told him to pull weeds. His mood quickly changed; he asked how I could let the weeds get so bad and he whined about how it would take him all night.

Wisp: Sigh... I'll probably be up all night picking weeds. Ugh...But it didn’t take him that long. All I had to do was save and quit my game, and then start back up, and they were gone. It took me longer to track down your little spirit friends than it did for you to pull weeds, so quit complaining!

Several days later, the condition of town had improved. While I didn’t reach perfect town status, I did get it up to satisfactory. And that was enough to reach 15 villagers, which is the maximum. Once I did, Tortimer showed up and offered to build me a third bridge. I didn’t like the first spot he suggested, but he told me I could try again any day but Sunday.

Tortimer: Oh! But I can't survey sites on Sunday! Why, that's a mayor's only goldurn day off, for crying in the soup!But a few days later, I found him in the spot I wanted, and I had him build the bridge. It’s still a bit tricky getting around, though. I’m not a big fan of the town layout.

Ohio’s current residents are Freckles, Stella, Aurora, Cleo, Leopold, Lulu, Cookie, Deena, Ursala, Chuck, Chico, Chief, Teddy, Yuka, and Nate. I may not keep up with this town on a regular basis, but I do like to check in on it every once in a while.

The Video

I’ve already mentioned this video in other places, but I’m going to mention it here too since it includes clips from this game. It’s called “What if Animal Crossing Sounded Like Star Fox 64?” and it features voice clips from SF64 humorously placed over footage of Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing: City Folk. Without further ado, here is the video:

8 thoughts on “Ohio Update”

  1. Hi Jeff, I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time, and I really enjoy it! (Actually, I read all of your blogs, not just this one!) I have loved Animal Crossing since the day in came out in North America in 2002, and I NEVER knew how to change the background of the inventory screen! Thanks for teaching me a new trick 😉 Have a great day!

      1. It definitely is cool! It’s nice to still learn new things after all these years. And you are welcome for stopping by and commenting! Thank YOU for all the awesome, entertaining blog posts!! 🙂

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