As I started up the game today, I found Cube’s goodbye letter in the mail. Sad to see him go, but that’s how things go.
When I ran into Snake, he told me he painted my roof for me! I hate when animals do that, so I told him that was lame.
I went home to look at my house, and it turns out that Snake painted my roof pink! Definitely not my favorite.
Since he just happened to be in acre B-4, I took advantage of the situation by using the bridge glitch to push him into the river! I then hit him with the net as well. He was ready to fight me…aside from being stuck in the river, that is.
I spotted a new house in town, so I checked it out. Pudge the bear cub was inside; he just moved into town. He’s okay, but not one of my favorites.
When I ran into Baabara, she insisted that I should buy a new carpet from her…for 33,370 bells. I kindly told the rude sheep to go fluff herself.
Over by the wishing well, Hank told me that he painted my roof. Wow, twice in one day?? But since my roof was already a color I didn’t like, I didn’t mind that Hank painted over it. He painted it green, and I was okay with that.
I asked Static for a job, and he asked me to retrieve a picture book that he loaned to Ursala.

I headed to Ursala’s house, but she told me she loaned the book to Snake. So I went to find Snake in the grass, and he told me Belle snaked it!
Belle wasn’t home, so I had to search for her. I eventually found her grazing near Candi’s house. And guess what? She lent it to Maple! I continued on to Maple’s house, only to find that Maple was sleeping! All that work, and I couldn’t even complete the task!
On that note, I wrapped up my day in Forest. But I’m not putting away the GameCube game for the month just yet. I’m working on a new video, so I’ll be playing more in the coming days. Not only in Forest, but I’ll also be checking in on my second town of Ohio as well. I haven’t posted an update on my Ohio town in two years! So you can expect an extra blog entry (or two) in the next couple weeks. See you soon!
“Put up yet dukes!” Lol I had Snake. He’s cool!
hey, its me, alixxexy! and i think that he just wanted to be nice,
i understand that it was rude for him to do it without asking, and pink is not very manly, but next time you might want to take it out on a tree! your’s truly –
It’s all in good fun. Snake wasn’t harmed, and he returned to land as soon as I left the acre.
I hated the random roof paintings, too. So glad it no longer happened in later games.
At least if peppy villagers paint your roof, they give you options! Well three options…
Is it another Gamecube moments video or Gamecube rudeness video? Those two are most likely. I’m excited for the video.
Good guesses, but they’re both wrong.