Busy Day for Roof Painters

As I started up the game today, I found Cube’s goodbye letter in the mail. Sad to see him go, but that’s how things go.

How ARE you, Jeff? Well now, I bet your bottom bell you didn't expect me to cut out and split town, huh? Nope, I shocked the world! I'm turning over a new leaf--see you on the flip side! -Laters, Cube

When I ran into Snake, he told me he painted my roof for me! I hate when animals do that, so I told him that was lame.

Snake: Hey, I was being nice! Maybe I should have painted it puke color or something...

I went home to look at my house, and it turns out that Snake painted my roof pink! Definitely not my favorite.

A pink roof on Jeff's house.

Since he just happened to be in acre B-4, I took advantage of the situation by using the bridge glitch to push him into the river! I then hit him with the net as well. He was ready to fight me…aside from being stuck in the river, that is. 😛

Snake: Hey, Jeff! You lookin' for a fight? Then quit hiding behind that net of yours and put up yer dukes!

I spotted a new house in town, so I checked it out. Pudge the bear cub was inside; he just moved into town. He’s okay, but not one of my favorites.

Pudge: Nice to mee... Whoops! I said that already, pudgy! Heh heh! Silly me! You got an extra brain on you?

When I ran into Baabara, she insisted that I should buy a new carpet from her…for 33,370 bells. I kindly told the rude sheep to go fluff herself.

Baabara: Well, care to buy a tartan rug or a manor wall for 33,370 bells?

Over by the wishing well, Hank told me that he painted my roof. Wow, twice in one day?? But since my roof was already a color I didn’t like, I didn’t mind that Hank painted over it. He painted it green, and I was okay with that.

Hank: I can't wait until you see it! I painted your roof bright green! That's the only color I had, buhk buhk.

I asked Static for a job, and he asked me to retrieve a picture book that he loaned to Ursala.

Static: I lent my picture book to Ursala some time ago, but now I need it back for...personal reasons.
Don’t ask, don’t tell.

I headed to Ursala’s house, but she told me she loaned the book to Snake. So I went to find Snake in the grass, and he told me Belle snaked it!

Snake: But Belle came by the other day and snaked it. I know I should have kept it. I was out of line. I'm sorry.

Belle wasn’t home, so I had to search for her. I eventually found her grazing near Candi’s house. And guess what? She lent it to Maple! I continued on to Maple’s house, only to find that Maple was sleeping! All that work, and I couldn’t even complete the task! 😛

Sign on Maple's house: Sleeping. Please come back another time.

On that note, I wrapped up my day in Forest. But I’m not putting away the GameCube game for the month just yet. I’m working on a new video, so I’ll be playing more in the coming days. Not only in Forest, but I’ll also be checking in on my second town of Ohio as well. I haven’t posted an update on my Ohio town in two years! So you can expect an extra blog entry (or two) in the next couple weeks. See you soon!

7 thoughts on “Busy Day for Roof Painters”

  1. hey, its me, alixxexy! and i think that he just wanted to be nice,
    i understand that it was rude for him to do it without asking, and pink is not very manly, but next time you might want to take it out on a tree! your’s truly –

  2. Is it another Gamecube moments video or Gamecube rudeness video? Those two are most likely. I’m excited for the video.

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