On Thursday, I quickly made my way over to Maple’s house. I asked her about Static’s picture book, and fortunately, she handed it over. When I took it back to Static, he rewarded me with 1,040 bells. I decided to post a video of the whole wild goose chase.
By the way, that’s not the video I mentioned working on last time. That video is coming along nicely, but it’s not done yet. It’s a bigger project. I’m hoping to have it done by this upcoming weekend, but we’ll see.
Late on Saturday night, I found Wisp in town. He asked me to find all five of his spirits, so that he won’t be punished by someone named Irontongue.

So I went around town, catching all the spirits I could find.

It took a while, but I eventually caught all five. Wisp rewarded me with a caterpillar tee. That was one of four Gracie-exclusive shirts that I still needed for my catalog! I didn’t realize Wisp would give out Gracie’s clothes!

I may have seen a ghost in Forest, but I saw something much scarier when I started up my 2nd town of Ohio.
Jambette was the newest resident in town. The other residents (at the time) were Cookie, Deena, Ursala, Chuck, Chico, Chief, Teddy, Yuka, Nate, Lulu, Freckles, Stella, Cleo, and Leopold. I say “at the time,” because I will be time-traveling in my Ohio town in order to get some footage of some things I need for my video. So the list of residents could be quite different by the time I’m done.
As for Jambette, she’s lucky that pitfalls are relatively rare in this game. I’d pitfall her plenty, if I could.
In Nook’s shop, Tom Nook told my character Scott that a moldy shirt was the height of fashion…according to Fauna magazine.
I decided to have a little fun with that quote, so I made a mockup of Fauna’s latest magazine cover.
I played in Forest again today. As I was asking villagers for jobs, Baabara told me that her boyfriend loves mounting insects.

She was, in her own weird way, asking me to catch a bug for her boyfriend. So I found a common butterfly for her. She rewarded me by giving me her old dark stone. Uh, thanks.
I found a track model in the dump, so I put it in my basement. I’d like to fill a whole row of track models, so my train will appear to sit on a full track. I’ll need to rearrange some things to do that though. But that’s a project for another time.
At the wishing well, I watched Candi, Ursala, and Baabara play with a volleyball. I noticed that even when they’re angry or sad (from conversations with each other), they’ll still keep kicking the ball around! It’s like they’re not in the mood, but yet, they can’t resist!
That’s all for now, but I hope to see you again soon! Have a great day!
Who are the villagers in Ohio for now?
Freckles, Limberg, Midge, Lulu, Yuka, Chief, Teddy, Spork, Astrid, Cleo, Ellie, Leopold, Bluebear, and Chico.
Congratulations on getting the caterpillar tee, Jeff! I think it’s such a cool design as well.
Thanks! Yeah, I like it too. I should check for Wisp more often, to try to get those other three shirts. I rarely see Gracie, and even when I do, she usually gives me duplicates.