Even though Filbert just moved in last month, he has already moved out. I got his goodbye letter in the mail today.
While I don’t go crazy catching summer bugs on GameCube like I do in City Folk, I did catch a few beetles I saw on trees. That included a mountain (stag) beetle, which Sydney bought from me for 2,300 bells.
Update/note: The mountain beetle did not return in later Animal Crossing games. But it got me thinking. Wouldn’t it be cool if each town had a mountain area where you could catch bugs (and maybe fish too) that weren’t in the main town? Or even if it was separate from town, but maybe you could ride Kapp’n’s bus to the mountains.
Anyway, Ursala was not nearly as generous as Sydney. She wanted me to buy some slate flooring or a kitschy wall for 36,160 bells. I was not going for that.
Filbert’s replacement has arrived, and it’s Nate the bear. Note: This is not the Nate from my Ohio town. But he said it was nice to meet me, even if I didn’t come bearing snacks. Bearing snacks.
He told me how sweaty he was, since we’re deep into summertime. He said that he feels like seasons pass by while he sleeps. Well, bears do hibernate in winter, so he’s not wrong about that…
Down at the dock, I tried to kick a soccer ball onto Kapp’n’s boat. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t work. Surprisingly, the ball will not roll off the sides of the dock…only the end of it. Oh well, it was worth a try. I always enjoy looking for new things to try, no matter how silly or pointless they may be. But you may have noticed that by now.
Speaking of that, I did something else I probably haven’t tried in a very long time. I tried digging in the spots behind the melody board. Those spots are hidden from view, and I actually forgot that you could dig back there. The first spot I dug didn’t have anything in it, but the other one had an exotic lamp! I bet it’s been there for years!
After a stop at Nookington’s to sell some stuff, I returned home and ended my game for the day.
But there has been other Animal Crossing GameCube content I’ve posted since my last entry, so I want to share those with you. I made a new Face Guide that shows how to get the face that you want when you start a new town (or a 2nd/3rd/4th character). Unlike most of the other guides out there, my guide shows actual screenshots of the faces. Note: I’ve also included a link to the guide in the sidebar.
And earlier this month, I also posted my latest Animal Crossing video: GameCube Moments #11. Please check it out if you haven’t seen it already. You may remember some of these scenes from earlier blog entries.