Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, Lucky has already moved out of town. Well, I guess that’s a wrap.

I ran into Puck, and he warned me about Katrina. He said she mutters some nonsense and then takes 50 bells. He speaks the truth.

I took a trip out to the island to talk to Ankha, and she asked me to sign her island guest book. I didn’t have much to say, but I made sure to include the date.

Alfonso the gator has moved into town; he’s Lucky’s replacement. He’s a big Mario fan…too bad he didn’t move into my Mario-themed ACCF town of Mushroom.

Speaking of mushrooms, Puck asked me if I was a mycomolologist. That’s quite a mouthful! But he actually meant a mycologist, which is someone that studies mushrooms and fungi. I guess mushroom season is almost here…but I’m not a fan of morning-only events. I guess I’m not a fun guy after all.

Emerald was also talking about mushrooms, but she seemed a bit too excited about the mushrooms (and their odor).

I continued talking to Emerald, and she told me to pick a hand. I picked the right hand, and she gave me a pitfall! She called it a very rare pitfall, and you might laugh at that if you’re used to any of the newer Animal Crossing games. But she’s not wrong; pitfalls are actually hard to come by in the GameCube game.

I’ve been making more temporary towns lately (playing without a memory card in). And in one of those towns, I spotted something quite rare that I’ve been trying to see for years. Literally! It was a whale shadow in the ocean while making a trip to the island. It’s a rare Easter egg that I’ve been trying to capture on video for at least ten years! Take a look if you haven’t already seen it:
But that’s not the only GameCube video I’ve been working on. I have several others on the way too! I’ll be posting GameCube Moments #12 by Tuesday night. Update: Here it is!
As for the others I’m working on, I’m not saying what they are yet or when they’ll be finished. Hopefully one of the others will be done later in October, but that’s not a promise. Anyway, I’ll see you soon! Have a great Halloween season!
20 bucks says Alfonso’s gonna move.
Yeah, most likely. That’s the way it’s gone lately. Especially with Snake sticking around so long (nearly two years now).