A Surprising Move

When I played on December 29th, I found a letter from Jingle in the mail. Balloon Fight, the NES game, was attached as my holiday gift. He sends the same gift every year, but I won’t complain about a free gift.

Early January

On January 2nd, I got a surprising goodbye letter in the mail; it was from Snake!

What up, Jeff! So, I bolted to begin a long journey of discovery. When will I be back? Never! But turn that frown upside down--I am who I am! You be you, and life'll be fine! Keep it real! -Snake

For over 3 years, every villager that moved out has been the newest villager. They would move in, and then right back out a few weeks to a month later. But Snake has lived in town since October 2016! While he wasn’t one of my “permanent 13,” I was starting to wonder if he had somehow become permanent too. But apparently not.

Long-time readers of this blog may remember that something similar happened with Kitty. She lived in Forest for years before eventually moving out in 2011.

Okay, now do you want to hear the weird part? I went to meet Snake’s replacement, and guess who it was. Guess!

It was KITTY! She has come full circle.

Kitty: Hm. As I expected. I am Kitty. It's a pleasure to meet you, mrowrr!

In an unrelated note, Kitty has been stuck in my ACCF town for years too, but City Folk’s moving in/out system is completely different. Still, it’s odd that she’s lasted so long in City Folk as well, so this is all kinda weird.


On January 13th, Spork moved out. That sets up Kitty for potentially another long stay in Forest. Spork’s replacement was a spoon and fork. Oops, I mean Derwin.

Derwin: Uh...yeah. Nuh-nice to meet you. I'm Derwin! And you are...Jeff?

Candi was in an igloo, and she wanted to play a game for her wagon wheel. She said the starting price would be 40,138 bells.

Candi: The starting price is 40,138 bells.
Yowch, no thanks!

January 21st

When I spoke with Belle today, she commented on not seeing me in a while. She said I was like a total ninja, in a tutu!

Belle: Not running into me at all in this small village... You're like, a total ninja, in a tutu!
But I’m not even wearing my tutu at the moment.

I found Gulliver on the beach, so I woke him up. He gave me a Lady Liberty for “saving his life.”

Gulliver: Yawn... What a great nap! What!? It's 2020? But that means I've been asleep for over 150...
Gulliver: ...minutes. Which seems like such a long time when I put it that way.
This Gulliver dialogue is about the only time the game mentions the year, other than New Year’s Eve/Day.

Kitty asked me for a ball so that she could play with her young relative. But Puck was standing nearby, so I had to wonder… is Puck like Kitty’s nephew or something? 😂

Kitty: If I could play some sort of ball game with my young relative, the visit would go much more smoothly, I'm sure.
“Pucky, get away from the edge of that cliff or I’m telling your mother!”

I fetched her a ball, and she immediately kicked it off the cliff. But still, she rewarded me with some kitchen flooring. I’m glad I didn’t have to get the ball back, because it’s near impossible to get a ball up a steep cliff like that!

Up-Nate on My Other Towns

While working on a video last month, I had my character from my Ohio town visit my other secondary town, Aja Blu. In the process, Nate moved from Ohio to Aja Blu. So a few weeks later, I was surprised (and utterly confused) when I saw Nate still in Ohio!

Nate: So, do you remember who I am or what?
As if I could forget that green unibrow.

Villagers who moved to another town by train can still visit their original town. So he was just visiting. Since I hadn’t used train travel in so long, I had completely forgotten this fact.

Nate: I made lots of friends in my new town, yawwwn!

Recent Videos

Since last month, I’ve put up several videos related to the GameCube version of Animal Crossing, at least in part. This first one is all about the GameCube game, showing what makes it unique and special in just 99 seconds:

My Animal Crossing Q&A video answers questions about the series in general, but it also includes some information about my GameCube towns.

And last, but not least, is this video that showcases some of the typos in the series. It starts out with a few mistakes from the GameCube game.

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing!

9 thoughts on “A Surprising Move”

  1. Huh, until now I didn’t realize villagers could re-move in to your towns. in 2016 when I first started my Wild World town, I had Lobo, and he moved out in early 2017. He moved back recently, and I just remembered now that he used to be a starter in my Wild World town! I wonder if that can happen in New Leaf or City Folk..

    1. Yeah, it can happen in any of the games. I’ve had several City Folk villagers move out and return years later. And New Leaf has a 16-villager “cycle” where an animal can return, but not until 16 other villagers have come and gone. (Although you can bypass that limitation if you scan an Amiibo card to move someone in).

  2. Hey Jeff! How are ya?
    Too bad Kitty doesn’t remember you like Nate, or does she? That would have been really nice. Was she rude with you in the past? You mentioned the mechanics of the other games – can a villager leave you and come back in other games too? Can they remember you? Who knows if in New Horizons we’re gonna have a little change in that…
    Thank you and see ya!

    1. Hi Daisy! I’m doing pretty good, how are you?
      No, Kitty didn’t remember me since it wasn’t the same Kitty. (If they move from one memory card to another, they’ll remember you. But if it’s a random move, they won’t). And yeah, she was kinda rude in the past, but not as bad as some others (like Yuka and Baabara).

      They can leave and come back in other games too, but it will generally take a long time to happen (unless you force the issue, such as with an Amiibo card in New Leaf). They will only remember you if they were the same exact villager that moved to a different town and then back.

  3. Despite traveling to and from my GameCube towns a lot as a child, I never knew villagers could visit their old towns until just a few years ago. It happened late one night, and Samson was talking about how he missed his buddy, Aziz. I just passed it off as a cute little nod to how the lion had moved to my second town, but then I saw a figure walking behind Kiki’s house. To my surprise, it was Aziz!

      1. Agreed

        One really cute moment that happened to me was when I went to go see K.K. Slider once. It was the Saturday before my birthday, so of course he had a special song for me. A villager who’d left my town years ago came to sit in on the show, and as it turns out we actually have the exact same birthday! So it was kind of a celebration for both of us.

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