Robin Flies Away

My bird friend Robin has flown away; I got her goodbye letter in the mail today.

My little Jeff, I can't stand for anyone to see me cry... You must know, that's the only reason I left without saying goodbye. Even now, the tears are... I can't bear it! Farewell! -Yours, Robin

At Nookington’s, Tom Nook is selling candy (since Halloween is almost here). It’s nice to see that we’re not limited to one piece per day like we are in New Horizons.

Five pieces of candy on sale at Nookington's.

When I visited Puck, I saw two faces (and two beaks) right next to each other, basically at the same angle, and both looking at me. It’s just one of those small, silly things I found amusing. Or maybe I just need some sleep. ๐Ÿ˜›

Puck: Whoa! Long time, no see! What rock

I ran into Belle outside, and she was up to her usual tricks. She wanted me to pay over 7k for a manor wall I didn’t need. Naturally, I told her no. Belle no!

Belle: All you have to do is pay me back. It'll be 7,414 bells for the manor wall (including handling charges).
You’re standing right next to me! Why would there be handling charges?

Gulliver was washed up on the beach, and I “saved him” by waking him up. He was very grateful, and he gave me a free shogi piece.

A large heart icon appears over Gulliver's head.

I was playing the game with my WaveBird controller, and I think my batteries were getting low. The controls were kinda cutting in and out. So when I spoke with Genji, I accidentally asked him for a favor. He wanted me to get his glasses case back from Emerald.

Genji: Lemme think... Yeah, OK! Go to Emerald's pad and get my glasses case back before I freak out!
I love that he said Emerald’s pad.

So I switched to a regular, wired controller, and then asked Emerald the frog about the case. Fortunately, she gave me the glasses (and didn’t send me on a wild goose chase). I took it back to Genji, and he gave me some stationery. He could totally tell I was disappointed by that reward.

Genji: ...You're not disappointed, are you? Of course not! Not you!
You sarcastic little stationery-giver.

Surprisingly, Robin’s replacement has not moved in yet. I believe that’s because my town had so many weeds, from not playing for 7 weeks. (Having lots of weeds prevents new villagers from moving in as often in this game.) Normally I go about 4-5 weeks between sessions, but my September entry was early in the month, and my October entry is late. But I cleaned up all the weeds I found, so things should get back to normal.

I recently went through my backlog of gameplay footage and assembled the best clips for a new GameCube Moments video, #16. If you haven’t seen it yet, I hope you’ll give it a watch and enjoy it. ๐Ÿ™‚

4 thoughts on “Robin Flies Away”

  1. I had Robin in my GC town years and years ago (like 2004 haha). I now have her in my New Horizons town and she’s still such a lovely villager. Farewell Robin!

  2. I love all your GameCube villagers Jeff! Theyโ€™re so entertaining! I wish I could enjoy the GameCube games as much as you

  3. I had Robin leave my GC recently, that was bad enough but she ended up being replaced by Mathilda who is still there as of ten minutes ago. Ugh.

  4. Why would Emerald need to have Genji’s glasses? Unless if she was fixing them. At least Emerald did not give it to someone else like what happens a lot. But have you ever seen Genji wear glasses? If it had been another rabbit like Doc it could make sense but not with Genji.

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