Harvest Festival 2020

Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S., and that means it’s time for the harvest festival! Believe it or not, I hadn’t played this version on Thanksgiving since 2012! But I sure did today!

Robin’s replacement has finally moved in, and it’s Friga the penguin. She’s never been one of my favorites, and my dislike for snooty villagers in general has been well-documented. 😉

Friga: Hm. As I expected. I am Friga. It's a pleasure to meet you, brrrmph!

I headed over to the wishing well, where the harvest festival party was going on. Hank couldn’t wait for the main course to arrive…even though he (as a bird) is related to the main course. 😛

Hank: Let's have a toast for the... yet-to-arrive main course!

Puck, Sydney, Candi, and Belle was also there. Candi said she’s learning who was raised well, and who was born in a barn. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she said this while sitting across from Belle. 🐄

Candi: This is the type of gathering where you find out just who was raised well and who was born in a barn.

Tortimer was also there, and he made it clear I was not welcome at his house!

Tortimer: Have you been out harvesting fruit for your own feast tonight? I hope so! You sure can't come over to my house!
Oh, that’s how we joke. He doesn’t even have a house!

I swiped the knife and fork from the table…

Animated GIF of me swiping the fork and knife from the table during the harvest festival in Animal Crossing on Nintendo GameCube.

…and then I started looking for Franklin. It’s nice that you can get free hints about Franklin’s location from villagers. No silverware required for the hints (unlike in City Folk).

Tom: Have you seen the weirdo that's been hiding in acre B? What a crank, daahling.

I hunted down Franklin and gave him the knife and fork for some harvest furniture rewards.

Franklin: Whew! I really owe you one! These have an evil aura! They were waiting for me. I can sense these things.

I repeated this procedure over and over, finding Franklin a total of six times before I had my fill. 😛

Franklin: You are incredible! I love you! Got you now you pointy little fiends!

Franklin gave me a harvest dresser, harvest clock, harvest sofa, harvest rug, harvest bureau, and harvest chair. I sold the items for a total of 17,865 bells.

After that, I made a quick stop at the post office and then returned home. I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving/harvest festival/turkey day! See you next time, gobble gobble!

4 thoughts on “Harvest Festival 2020”

  1. I have not played this version of the Harvest Festival since 2014. I have had Friga in Gamecube towns and I don’t like her but not as much as many other snooty villagers and she lives in my New Leaf town. You can’t visit the Mayor’s house because his house is his shell. This is my 2nd favorite Harvest Festival my favorite is City Folk.

    1. Yes, I do. Halloween can be annoying because the villagers chase you and ruin your items. And Christmas Eve, as pleasant as it is, makes you find Jingle five times before you start getting items. So that’s kind of irritating as well. The harvest festival is my favorite of the three.

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