Bitter Pecan

Despite the recent arrival of winter, Friga the penguin has already waddled out of town. I received her goodbye letter in the mail today.

My dearest Jeff, I'm sure you've become an emotional wreck looking for me, but I'm gone now! I'm sorry I left without a word. It isn't like I don't like you. It was just time to move on. Fare thee well! -Friga

Jingle also sent me a letter, wishing me happy holidays. He gave me a Balloon Fight NES game, as he does every year.

Candi, who was halfway hiding behind a house, was already looking ahead to New Year’s Day. She said that she always goes to the wishing well to make wishes, in her ears.

Candi: It's a little custom of mine. Once a year, every year, I go and make my wishes at the well, in my ears!

From the top of the cliff (where I found today’s money rock), I spotted Static down below. He arched his neck to look up at me, and it just made me think how much taller the cliffs seemed in the GameCube game…especially compared to New Horizons.

Jeff looks down at Static, and Static looks up at Jeff.

Puck commented that he hadn’t seen me in a while, so he assumed I just hopped in Gracie’s car and took off!

Puck: You were just gone one day... I figured you hopped in Gracie's ride and took off or something, brrrrrrrrr!

I’m not sure if he’s suggesting I ran away with Gracie, or if I just stole her car. 😀

Baabara was talking about the snow, and how it’s nice to curl up indoors with some hot chocolate. And then she just randomly said that drinking hot chocolate every day will make you fat.

Baabara: Drinking hot chocolate every day will make you fat.

I visited Ursala (for some reason), and she got mad that I hadn’t seen her in four weeks. She doesn’t think anything should be more important to me than visiting her, and yet she acts rude when she does see me.

Ursala: What could possibly have struck you as more important than coming to visit ME? Honestly!

But on the bright side, she did give me 2,490 bells for my righty desk (which Belle gave me for free).

In acre B-1 (just south of the post office), I found a new house. Pecan the squirrel has moved in, and she is another snooty. Oh joy.

Pecan: Stop shouting! I'm right here! I can hear you fine, chipmunk!
She has multiple paintings in her house, just like Ursala.
She’s also rude…which is also like Ursala.

Have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve, everyone! 🎆🎆🎆

4 thoughts on “Bitter Pecan”

  1. I find the rudeness of the old games to be quite funny!
    But, when you get closer to the villagers, they start being nicer, which I also like. Nothing like the classics!

  2. Pecan says you are too loud, you did not even say anything. She will be out soon so you don’t have to worry about her much longer.

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