Creepy Valentine

I started up the game this past Saturday, and I had several Valentine’s Day greetings in the mail. That included this somewhat creepy valentine from Emerald. Maybe this isn’t the best stationery to be using on Valentine’s Day…

Be mine, Jeff, Jeff, thank you for being so kind to me all the time. I can only hope we grow closer as time goes by. -From Emerald
Are you threatening me? Am I going to croak?

But most of the girls in town sent me a valentine and a gift. This is what they all gave me:

  • Baabara: round cactus
  • Belle: cabana table
  • Emerald: cabin armchair
  • Maple: hammock
  • Sydney: rock guitar
  • Ursala: picnic table

Only Baabara would send a cactus with a valentine. At least she didn’t use the creepy stationery that Emerald used; that would have made it doubly threatening!

I also received Petunia’s goodbye letter in the mail. So I went over to acre B-2 to meet her replacement, Eloise the elephant. She seemed nice at first…

Eloise: Oh, good evening to you. Tell me... Do I know you, tooooot?

But it didn’t take long for her snooty nature to shine through. She said a slouch like me could never do justice to Gracie’s designs. Oh well, at least we had a good ten seconds until she got on my bad list. 😛

Eloise: On the other hand, a total slouch like you simply could not do justice to her fabulous designs, tooooot.
You can go on and pack your trunk and move out now.

Note: Eloise also lived in Forest back in 2012…until she was replaced by Yuka. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.

Today, Maple said she was looking for a new start. She asked me to take her to another town, but that’s not going to happen. 😛

Maple: So, would you please take me to another village, honey? Please?
I’ve sworn off train travel from Forest, sorry.
I couldn’t trust you’d be the one to leave anyway.

Candi told me that Scott from Ohio passed through town the other day, although that wasn’t true. It was over ten years ago, but she still talks about it as if it was yesterday. 😛 But she wondered why he just passed through town, unless he was selling turnips or something.

Candi: Oh! Maybe Scott was here to sell turnips, in my ears! Doesn't that kinda make some sense?
No, not at all.

I got lucky with today’s glowing spot: It gave me 10,000 bells instead of the usual 1,000. Luck struck again a few minutes later, when I spotted a large fish shadow in the river. I fished out a stringfish! I rarely do any fishing outside of early September, so this was a nice surprise!

Jeff, holding up a stringfish: Ohhh, boy!

After pulling all the weeds I saw, I verified at the wishing well that the town status is still perfect. 👍

This is the last day of snow on the ground, and I’m ready to see green grass return. Goodbye, winter! And Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Creepy Valentine”

  1. Baabara must’ve been watching the movie ‘Juno”. The title character’s only contact with her biological mother is said mother sending a cactus on Valentine’s Day.

  2. Hi Jeff, I was wondering if you take any special precautions when storing/saving your original gamecube town because it’s virtually irreplaceable :0

    1. No, I don’t do anything special. I just keep it plugged into my system most of the time, unless I’m playing a different GameCube game (which isn’t very often).

  3. I’ve recently had Yuka in my GC village as a temporary guest.

    She sent me a valentine stating that she felt obliged to send me one as no-one else was likely to!

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