Purrl has already moved out of town, as I discovered when I checked my mail.
Genji was talking about giant stag beetles tonight, and in particular, about how big they are.
He said he thought he saw one once, but it was just Resetti. 😛
I got to meet Purrl’s replacement…and I immediately wished I had Purrl back. It was Sue E the pig.
She has lived in Forest before (years ago, before I started this blog), and I wasn’t a fan of hers back then either. The only good news is that she probably won’t stick around long.
While I was banging the money rock, a mosquito bit me. So I didn’t get the full amount from the rock. Mosquitos can be so annoying!
Over by the wishing well, Ursala said she found a modern table. She asked if it was mine, and I said yes. So she said she was going to take a reward from me for finding it! So she took half my money! 😡
The worst part is that I was carrying almost 40k, which is a lot in this game. So she walked away with over 19,000 bells of mine! I was so mad!
I wasn’t happy about being mugged by this evil thug of a bear cub, so I hit her with my net a few times.
In stark contrast to Ursala’s attitude, Hank was impressed by my flat stag beetle…and he politely asked me to trade it for a cherry. I accepted the offer, and he said you can’t even catch “these li’l guys” in Forest, so he advised me not to eat it. I’m not sure if he was talking about the beetle or the cherry. 🤔
I posted a new video this weekend, ranking my villagers in every Animal Crossing town I have. Check it out if you’d like!
See you next time!
So glad Ursala changed her ways before moving to my island in nh
Looks like Ursala is never going to change, is she?
I already have Ursala in my town and I HATE her! Once she took half of my 130,000 Bells! For a gyroid… When I went to sell it, it cost… 730 Bells.
Oof. 🙁
Sue E is a contender for the worst villager I have had in any game. She is definitely worse than any post-Gamecube villager I have ever had. I am glad she was not in later games.
That stinks… at least she’s nicer in the later games. Cool video 🙂
Yes, at least she is nicer…