Belle’s Blood Boils

Monday was Labor Day, and Tortimer was standing at the wishing well for the occasion. He told me that everyone needs a hero or role model…

Tortimer: Everyone needs someone they can look up to in life. A role model. A hero.

And he wanted to be mine. 😆

Tortimer: You have to follow in somebody's footsteps, sprout! Like mine, for instance!

When I spoke with Tom, he gave me a free aloe. After the conversation ended, the camera zoomed back out (as it does), and I just thought this screenshot looked pretty cool with the leaves of the trees surrounding us on both sides. 🙂

Speaking with Tom, as seen through the tree leaves.

Over by Ursala’s house, I fell into a pitfall!

Struggling to get out of a pitfall.

As much as I might want to blame Ursala for it, I later found out it was my good buddy Hank that did this to me!

Hey, my peeps! Hank here reporting for Forest News! I've buried the greatest treasure ever in one of the F acres. Go find it!
Treasure, my butt.

Today, I spotted a goodbye letter from Freckles in the mail.

Jeff! I awoke the other day with the wanderlust, so I just up and left. Wild, huh? On the road, destination unknown! Anyway, thanks for dealing with my craziness! Cheery-bye! -Freckles

Belle and Tiara had a big argument, and they were steaming mad. No, make that boiling mad. 😡

Belle: I AM ANGRY! My blood boils with rage, cuddles!

And yet she still called me “cuddles.” 😆😆😆

Shortly after that, I met Freckles’s replacement: Gabi.

Gabi: Good evening! You seem kinda lost to me... Do you live in this town, honeybun?

I encountered another fight moments later: Hank and Baabara just had an argument. Hank was all depressed, while Baabara was furious…at me. What’s new?

Baabara: Enough! Just get lost! I can't stand you!
The feeling is mutual, fluffy demon.

Gulliver was asleep on the beach, and I woke him up. He started to tell me a cougar joke, but of course he didn’t get to the punch line. 😛

Gulliver: Let's did it go? Oh yeah! So, there's a duck, a husky, and a cougar... And the duck says to the husky...

But he did give me a free shogi piece. Thanks, buddy!

Even though this is September fishing season (no sea bass), I didn’t do much fishing. I did catch one barred knifejaw and one red snapper, but that’s it. I may try again one day soon, especially if it’s raining.

3 thoughts on “Belle’s Blood Boils”

  1. Hi! I’ve got a question: do you have the Japanese version of an Animal Crossing game you own? (e.g. Doubutsu no Mori e+)? Just curious. Also you should play e+ if you ever get your hands on a copy of it and a Japanese Gamecube. Just be ready to hit translate every time you talk to someone! LOL

    1. No, I don’t own any Japanese versions of Animal Crossing. That would be too much to translate! 😆 If Nintendo ever localized it (for the Switch eShop perhaps?), then I would buy it.

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