A Cheery Goodbye

Winnie has galloped out of town, as I learned when I got her goodbye letter in the mail today. She ended her letter with “Cheery-bye!” and it really did seem cheery…due to the fact that she wrote it on polka-dot paper. Goodbye letters don’t get any more colorful than this!

Jeff! I awoke the other day with the wanderlust, so I just up and left. Wild, huh? On the road, destination unknown! Anyway, thanks for dealing with my craziness! Cheery-bye! -Winnie

Candi was telling me that she never does laundry. In fact, she doesn’t even change her clothes unless someone gives her a new outfit!

Candi: I don't even change my clothes unless I get a new outfit...

I mean, that makes sense in the context of being an NPC in a video game, but I like how the developers have fun with things like that.

At Nookington’s, I saw they had a snappy print shirt for sale. I think this is one of the shirts I used to wear (back in the day), so I bought it and put it on.

Timmy: That would be a snappy print you're looking at. ...at.

In the acre just north of Static’s house, I found a new villager: It’s Pate the duck. She’s alright, I guess. Definitely not of my favorite ducks, but I don’t hate her or anything.

Pate: Pate! That's my name, quackle! No reason to beat around the bush!

Belle was wondering about the windsocks that appear in early May, asking who puts them up. But it only reminded me that I forgot to play early in the month to see them this year. Oops.

Belle: Every year in May, I wonder... Who is it that puts those windsocks up, and why, cuddles?

When I dug up today’s glowing spot, I found a rare 30,000-bell bag instead of the usual 1,000 bells. Guess it’s my lucky day! Ka-ching! 💰

Check it out! I dug up 30,000 bells!

I spoke with Ursala while I was standing on the beach, so I was on a lower surface than she was. And then she asked if I’ve grown…when it actually looked as if she was the one that had grown. 😛

Ursala: Although, perhaps... Did you grow just a little, grooomph?

Over by the wishing well, Astrid was looking forward to the next fishing tournament. She told me I should start scouting out some good fishing spots, even though it won’t matter. That’s because she was sure that she would be winning the tournament.

Astrid: Not that it will do you much good, though. Nobody can outfish me, sproing!

She was using Emerald’s catchphrase “sproing,” and yet it works for her too. It sounds like a springy sound effect that a cartoon kangaroo might make when jumping. 🦘 Yay for onomatopoeia. 😛

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be back again in June. Never Stop Crossing!

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