Yesterday, I found Tutu’s goodbye letter in the mail. She left after three months in town.

My villagers are already looking forward to the fall harvest, even though it’s not even Halloween yet!

Candi was pretending to be Saharah, in a ploy to sell me some carpeting. But I wasn’t interested, so I called her bluff.

Puck asked me what his favorite nighttime event was, the meteor shower or New Year’s Eve. I guessed the latter, and he gleefully told me how wrong I was.

He said that was his favorite last year, not this year. How am I supposed to know a thing like that?
Fall is coming, and Maple was telling me to be careful not to catch a cold.

At the wishing well, I was having fun chasing a bug (a migratory locust) all around. It won’t leave the acre, so it just hops from one spot to another if you keep chasing it. A couple times, it even hopped onto the wishing well and rested there!

After I made my way up to the police station, Tom noticed a bug in my pockets (not the migratory locust, but a long locust). He offered me a far-out shirt for it, and that’s a shirt I didn’t recognize by name.

So I agreed to the trade, mainly out of curiosity. (Not that I had much use for a long locust anyway.) But this is what the shirt looks like.

It’s certainly…unique. Not exactly my favorite, but I decided to keep it on for now.
After completing my full walk around town yesterday, I didn’t find Tutu’s replacement anywhere. I checked my map, and it confirmed that I only had 14 villagers!
Since I’m playing late in the month (and I played early in the month of September), it had been seven weeks since I last played. That’s longer than my usual 4-5 week span, so I had a lot of weeds to pull. But having lots of weeds can also lower your town rating, and a 15th villager won’t move in if your town isn’t rated high enough.
But after pulling all the weeds yesterday (and getting my town status back to perfect), I played again today. Sure enough, a 15th villager has moved in. It was Piper the peppy bird.

Piper has been mentioned exactly zero times in this blog before today, which means she hasn’t lived in Forest since 2011 at least. But I’ve probably had her at some point before that.
As Baabara was having a fight with Emerald, she was also wearing a scarf with a frog on it…a frog that looked an awful lot like Emerald. But Hank was nearby, and he was immune to their negativity. This is why I like Hank so much in this game (and jocks in general, even though the same doesn’t apply in later games).

Puck tried to tell me he was a kayaking phenom, but I didn’t believe him. He got bummed out because I didn’t believe his lie.

I posted two Animal Crossing GameCube videos in September (since posting my last entry), so check them out if you haven’t seen them yet. Here they are:
I’ll see you again in November! Never Stop Crossing!