Last Friday, I received a goodbye letter from Piper in the mail. Yes, already! She only lived in Forest for about ten days!

I was playing after midnight, and I followed a suggestion I received from D. Val on Youtube. I purposely let bees sting my face, and then I went around town to see everyone’s reactions to my swollen face late at night. Some villagers were scared, others laughed at me, some basically called me stupid, and one tried to arrest me! You can see all of that in the video here:
I played again today, and I got to meet my newest neighbor Peanut. She recently lived in my Wild World town for three years before moving out in June, and I really like her a lot. So I’m glad to have her back!

Genji seemed to be in a really good mood, and he gave me a free pear.

Meanwhile, Hank was looking forward to the harvest festival, and the holiday season in general.

He said it’s his favorite time of year, and he can’t wait to stuff his gut.

Over by the wishing well, Ursala told me that she won’t wear anything except Gracie fashions. The only problem is that Tom Nook is too cheap to stock them.

She said Tom Nook’s goods are low class.

Tom Nook was also in the area, and he wanted to sell me a manhole cover for exactly 1,000 bells. I declined, and he didn’t take the refusal well.

Still, he said he wouldn’t force me to buy it. How generous of him!
Today’s glowing spot contained 30,000 bells instead of the usual 1,000. That’s always a nice surprise!

I hope you all enjoy your harvest festival and holiday season! I’ll be back with another entry in December. Never Stop Crossing!