Queenie Out, Cupcake In

The autumn sports fair was this past Friday, but unfortunately I was unable to participate. I did play some Animal Crossing today though, and got a goodbye letter from Queenie. That’s unfortunate, because I really liked her house.

Queenie's goodbye letter.I went to meet her replacement, Cupcake the (sweet) bear cub.

Cupcake: Good evening to you. Tell me... Do I know you, sugar pie?In case anyone is wondering, here is my current villager list: Candi, Puck, Genji, Maple, Static, Belle, Ursala, Sydney, Cupcake, Baabara, Hank, Tom, Emerald, Kody, and Tutu.

In the same acre as Cupcake’s new house, Sydney was there watching and chasing a bug. I watched her for a while, just because it was amusing to see her chase it around.

Sydney chasing a bug.Anyway, I pulled a bunch of weeds as I made my way around town. I sold some fish and deposited some money into the post office bank. I talked to Copper, and he informed me that Wendell will be in town on Tuesday. I found a coconut palm in the dump on my way home. I’ll probably just sell it the next time I play.

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