First-Person Resetti

I started up the game tonight and got a goodbye letter from Mathilda, who has recently moved out of town.

Mathilda's goodbye letter.As I started my walk around town, I soon spotted an igloo. Puck was inside, warning me to keep out of his chowder. That’s a pretty big pot there, you can’t share a bowl?

Puck: Hands off the chowder if you know what's good for you!I played a few of his games, and at one point, he almost forgot his own name!

Puck: Wait a minute... My name is...Puck!I saw on my map that my new villager is Chevre the goat. However, she was already asleep! I’ll have to meet her next time (if she doesn’t move out of town before I play next).

Sign on Chevre's house: Sleeping. Come back another time.I then decided I was going to take a trip to the island. But as I was searching for my GameCube-GBA link cable, I must have stepped on the power cord to my Wii, accidentally unplugging it. So that meant I lost my progress for today. Granted, it was nothing important, but I did pull a lot of weeds. I reluctantly started the game back up, knowing I would have to face the wrath of Resetti. And boy, did I. For the first time that I could remember, he made me look at him right in the face. That’s right, it literally changed to a first-person view as he yelled at me!

Resetti: I'm gonna tunnel through your HOUSE!Here is a video of the encounter:

Anyway, I made my way out to the island and said hello to my islander, Ankha.

Ankha: It's been a really, really long time since I saw you!I also went into my island house, which is incredibly messy. I use it for storage of my Jingle furniture, igloo items (including my DUMMY), island items, and other miscellaneous crap.

My messy island home.Before I left the island, I talked to Ankha once again. She asked me if I could find her a white king.

Ankha: Have you ever seen a white king?She said she had been looking for one forever. I quickly got back on the boat and returned to Forest. It was getting late, so I didn’t bother re-pulling all my weeds. Instead, I just returned home for the night.

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