Dandruff’s Igloo

On February 1st, I played (briefly) and received Kitty’s goodbye letter. So her stay in Forest this time wasn’t nearly as long as last time. Her replacement was Bluebear, but Bluebear was already asleep for the night.

Fast forward to yesterday, and I got Bluebear’s goodbye letter. So she moved out before I even got to meet her. Oh well.

I asked Genji for a job, and he asked me to pick up a comic book that he lent to “Dandruff,” also known as Puck.

Genji: Nickname? Dandruff. 'Cause Puck's all about flaking. Thing is, I'm too busy to go get my property.

Puck wasn’t at home, but I found him in an igloo! The bad thing about that is that he only wanted to play igloo games! So I couldn’t complete my task because Dandruff was in an igloo with the comic book.

I still chatted with Puck a bit, and he said he was cold and he wanted winter to be over!

Puck: I wish winter would go away! I'm cold, and I want spring to hurry up...
But you’re a penguin!

When I spoke with Ursala, she… well, she was being herself. She wondered aloud how I spent the sunny day, and then backtracked. She said if she got me started talking, I’d be blabbing all night, and she sure didn’t want that.

Ursala: I bet you'd talk all night if you got started, unlike you, and goodness knows, I don't want that...
I wouldn’t talk all night anyway, especially to you!

Nookington’s had a retro TV for sale, and I couldn’t resist. The retro TV song is my jam. 😉

Timmy: Does a retro TV interest you?

I found a new house where Kitty lived recently, and Valise the snooty kangaroo is the new resident. While she is one of the 43 villagers that haven’t returned in later games, I can’t say the same about her time in Forest. That’s because this is a return visit. She previously moved in back in 2011!

Valise: Well, I had no idea you were such a little busybody!

Today (Sunday), I played again to get Genji’s comic book back from Puck. Fortunately, Puck didn’t send me on a wild goose chase this time, and he directly gave me the comic book.

Puck: Well, in any case, here's the comic book. Don't forget to return it, brrrrrrrrr!
Hey, there are flakes on this book!

When I found Genji and gave him the book, he rewarded me just with stationery. I should use it to write him a letter telling him how cheap he is. 😂

Belle was talking about how Forest would be cooler if there was a planetarium in town. She even went so far as to say that I should sell my house to build her one!

Belle: Listen, Jeff... I don't care if you have to sell your house to do it, but just build me a planetarium!
And I’ll use you for the “cow jumping over the moon” exhibit.

I recently posted a video combining the best scenes from my GameCube Moments series (episodes 1-10) and put them all together in one video. Here is the Best of GameCube Moments:

And just today, I posted a new entry into the series: GameCube Moments 15.

And last but not least, I recently posted a video taking a humorous look at what goes on underwater in the world of Animal Crossing. It isn’t just about the GameCube game, but it does include a look at the infamous whale. It’s a short video, so I hope you’ll check it out.

See you next time! Never Stop Crossing!

3 thoughts on “Dandruff’s Igloo”

  1. Ironically Belle didn’t stick around for Wild World (the observatory, which is close to a planetarium), let alone New Leaf (villagers can ask the player to build things in town).

  2. Retro-TV fan here, I have four lined up in my living room which sound pretty chaotic when switched on out of sync.

    Also I’d never noticed before but AGGC is currently in a short end-of-February mini season with green trees and grass but snow still on the ground.

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