I Dodged a Bullet

When I played briefly on March 5th, I got a goodbye letter from Valise. I only made a few stops, and didn’t make a full trip around town. So it didn’t even cross my mind to see who Valise’s replacement was.

Fast forward to today (March 30th), and I found a goodbye letter from Yuka!

Dearest Jeff! During my entire move, I was sure I was forgetting something. You know what it was? I forgot to say adieu to you. I hope this letter will ease your devastation...

So this was at least the third time she’s lived in Forest. But still, if she’s going to move in, this was the way to do it. Sneak in without me having to speak to her, and then quickly move out. I really dodged a bullet there! And now, I should have Yuka immunity for a few more years! Not bad.

The news got better when I saw that her replacement was Rosie! I like Rosie a lot, although her eyes do look a bit hostile in this pic.

Rosie: Rosie! That's my name, silly! No reason to beat around the bush!

She lives next door to Kody, another blue animal. He said he found a cow skull and asked if it was mine! Do I look like a cow that’s missing its skull?

Kody: I just found a cow skull... Is this yours, Jeff?

Of course I do, so I said yes. But he didn’t believe me, so he called me a liar. Why ask me if you already knew the answer?

Kody: Hey! Liar! LIAAAAAR! Don't you lie to me!

Several of my villagers were talking about an upcoming visit by Gracie, the fashion designer. Static is clearly not a fan.

Static: Look at me! Look at these clothes! Do you think I give a hoot about fashion? NO! Fashion's a waste of time.

I bought a speed sign at Nookington’s for 870 bells, and Ursala later wanted to buy it for 1,590 bells. Good deal!

Ursala: Only an utter moron would turn down that offer! So, I guess this means you're not a moron, unlike you.

Derwin, who moved into Forest in January, is still around. Although, he was convinced I was in an accident.

Derwin: I was convinced that you'd been in some kind of accident, derrrrr!

Tom and Hank had a fight over by the wishing well, but I assume they’ll be able to work things out. 😛

2 thoughts on “I Dodged a Bullet”

  1. I dodged a bullet today as well!
    One of my villagers, Poncho, told me he had painted the roof. I went into panic until I realised it was the same colour as before

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