Robin Returns

My Cupcake from last month was growing stale, and has now been disposed of. Well, she really just moved out of town, but I was trying to sugar-coat the story. I received her goodbye letter in the mail today.

My dearest Jeff, I'm sure you've become an emotional wreck looking for me, but I'm gone now! I'm sorry I left without saying a word. It isn't like I don't like you. It was just time to move on. Fare thee well! -Cupcake

Speaking of pink villagers with sweet names, I ran into Candi tonight. She asked me for a new catchphrase to replace “sweetie,” so I told her to say “in my ears.”

Candi: Hmph. It's still raining! I'm sick and tired of all this rain, in my ears!

She must not have enjoyed the new phrase, because she seemingly got revenge on me by forcing me to trade my dinosaur egg.

Candi: You see, I'm gonna take your dinosaur egg, and there's nothing you can do about it, in my ears!

She offered me blue flooring or a concrete wall in return. I picked the wall, but it wouldn’t have been a fair trade either way…and she knew it.

Candi: It doesn't seem like a fair trade for your dinosaur egg.

She wasn’t done yet though. She next offered to take my mammoth torso in exchange for a tulip table! But this time, I had the option to turn down the offer…so I did. And she got annoyed at me, even though she again acknowledged this wasn’t a fair trade either.

I kept talking to her over and over. At one point, she told me the chance of rain tomorrow was 47%. Another time, she said the chance of rain tomorrow was 97%! And even though she was complaining almost constantly about the rain, she told me she sometimes begs for rain!

Candi: That's why, when I just can't get out of bed, I lie there and beg for rain.

Why do I put up with this mouse? 😛 Sorry, this blog entry isn’t going to be just about Candi. I also met Cupcake’s replacement, Robin. She has lived in Forest before, back in 2012-13. But even though Robin has returned, there was no sign of Batman.

Robin: Don't play dumb with me! I'm talking about morning aerobics!!!
Uh, nice to meet you too.

Since it was raining, I went fishing for a little while. I caught three red snappers, and also, a coelacanth!

Jeff, holding up a coelacanth in Animal Crossing: Would you look at that!

Bonus trivia: The last time Robin moved into my town (May 20, 2012), it was raining and I caught a coelacanth…just like today.

I saw a huge fish shadow in the river, and it was considerably larger than the coelacanth shadow. So as you might expect, I was getting excited to fish it out. But when I did, it turned out to be just an old tire!

You caught a tire! Blech! Roll on over to the dump and drop it off!

That was so deflating. Not long after that, I ended my game for the night.

6 thoughts on “Robin Returns”

  1. Hey, Jeff! I think I remember seeing you had a Tall Harmanoid in your island cabana on one of your videos. I’ve been looking for one of those for a really long time so if you could send it to me via a Nookington’s code that would be great!

    1. Sorry, but gyroids can’t be traded via Nook’s system. Basically it’s just for items that can be re-ordered (so most holiday items and special rewards can’t be traded either).

  2. If it was Robin from “Fire Emblem: Awakening”, that would be cool. Unfortunately, s/he wouldn’t exist for another 10 years, and the concept of animal neighbors based on other Nintendo characters wouldn’t be for an additional two years.

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