Playing Along

Hello again. I missed out on the great fishing at the beginning of the month, but the September entry is here at last. ๐Ÿ˜› Bubbles the hippo has popped out of town, and I received her goodbye letter in the mail today.

To Jeff, I'm leaving town, and I'm not telling anyone where I'm going, but don't you worry! I'm off on a grand adventure that's totally going to rule! Wish me luck in my new life. Don't forget me! -Bubbles!

It was raining in town tonight, and Candi was being unusually nice. She gave me a free No. 1 shirt, and she said the smile on my face was worth a million bells. That was almost enough to make me start liking her. Almost. ๐Ÿ˜›

Candi: It feels SO super good to give something to a friend! That smile on your face is like a million bells!

Puck told me that he was once a skating phenom. I played along and said that I believed him, and he laughed about being able to fool me. He said he’s lucky just to be able to tie his own shoes. ๐Ÿ˜›

Puck: Dude, I'm just happy to be able to tie my own shoes!

Pinky the panda bear just moved into town today, and this is the first mention of her in this blog. So she hasn’t lived here in the past ten years, although there’s still a decent chance she lived here before that. (I didn’t keep track of all my villagers prior to starting the blog, but I’m sure I’ve had nearly all of the villagers in the game at this point.)

Pinky: Good evening! You seem kinda lost to me... Do you live in this town, cubbie?

My good buddy Hank was excited about the start of autumn. He loves the fall events, including the sports fair, mushroom hunting, moon viewing, and Halloween.

Hank: I loooooooove the fall! Autumn is full of events!

When I spoke with Ursala, she told me she was thinking about starting up a surfing club. She asked if I would like to join, and I said yes. But then she got upset because she didn’t think I’d actually want to join. She said it was all just a joke, and she called me weird for believing her.

Ursala: Oh, what a fiasco! Did you have to take me so seriously? You are so very weird, grooomph.

So Ursala and Puck both tried to trick me, but they had very different reactions when I played along with them.

Today is actually my town anniversary! Forest began 19 years ago today! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ If you’d like to see the town tour video I recorded two years ago, here it is! Forest hasn’t changed much since then…and that includes the villagers. Thirteen of 15 are the same, but I now have Amelia and Pinky instead of Dozer and Snake.

Nintendo recently announced that a new series of Amiibo cards is coming soon. While it will surely have cards of the eight new villagers added in New Horizons, I have a feeling that they’ll bring back at least some of the villagers we haven’t seen since GameCube. I’m really hoping to see Hank, Emerald, and Woolio reappear! (And also Champ from Wild World and City Folk.) I’m keeping my fingers crossed! ๐Ÿคž

See you all next time! Never Stop Crossing! ๐Ÿ™‚

6 thoughts on “Playing Along”

    1. Thank you! I didn’t have a meteor shower in my town tonight, but thanks! You were right about me playing New Leaf tonight though, since I needed to post my 2nd entry of the month. ๐Ÿ˜›

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