Face Letter

A few days after posting my July entry, I played again briefly on the 15th. Hank told me he’d like to paint my roof, but this time was different: He actually let me choose the color! It seems much less rude when they give you a choice. However, there was still a catch. I told Hank I wanted a blue roof, but he painted it purple instead. He said it was close enough. 😆

Hank: It's just like blue, only it's... well, it's purple! It's close enough, right, Jeff?

I played again yesterday, and I was happy to find Olivia’s goodbye letter in the mail! So long, my old snooty frenemy!

My dearest Jeff, I'm sure you've become an emotional wreck looking for me, but I'm gone now! I'm sorry I left without a word. It isn't like I don't like you. It was just time to move on. Fare thee well! -Olivia

Her replacement was Cesar the cranky gorilla. He’s not exactly my favorite villager either, and his “highness” catchphrase always sounds sarcastic. But at least his stay in Forest will be temporary.

Cesar: Anyway, I'm Cesar. It's a pleasure meeting you, highness!

There was a tent in town, and Nosegay the anteater was camping in Forest for the weekend. I didn’t want to stick my nose in her business, so I didn’t hang around long.

Nosegay, at the campsite: So anyway, my name is Nosegay, and I'll be here until the end of the weekend. Drop by whenever!

Today, there was a notice of a new treasure hunt on the bulletin board. Puck buried a pitfall in the “2” column of acres.

Message on bulletin board: I buried my pitfall in one of the 2 acres. I don't know why I did it; I was sleepwalking at the time. Finders keepers! -from Puck

Fortunately, I didn’t fall into it. It was right next to the dump, in clear view. So I dug it up and I’ll save it for future use. 😏

Check it out! I dug up a pitfall!

It was raining (storming, to be more specific) in town today, and Tom told me to stop smiling. I like you, Tom, but you’re too grouchy sometimes. 😛

Tom: Hey! Jeff! Stop smiling all the time! This isn't the right weather for smiles, me-yowza!

Puck, on the other hand, was enjoying the rain. He said it makes him feel sentimental. But then again, he wasn’t standing out in it like Tom was.

Puck: I just love the sound of rain falling on my rooftop...

Tutu was also talking about the rain. She said it was nice out, and asked if I agreed. I said yes, and she got mad at me!

Tutu: You said that with such a straight face. You scare me sometimes.
You said it with a straight face too!

After Baabara tried to sell me an apple for 2,100 bells (no thanks), Ursala showed me a letter with a face made out of text, along with a message that asks “Do you think I’m cute?” 😛 I don’t think I’ve shown this letter in the blog before, so…here you go. 😛

A letter given to Ursala shows a face, and asks "Do you think I'm cute?"

There was also a similar letter in Wild World, which you can see in this blog entry.

If you haven’t seen my video from a few weeks ago, taking a look at the features that each pair of Animal Crossing games have in common, here it is. For example, this game and New Leaf have igloos in common (among other things). This and New Horizons have aerobics/stretching in common (and other things too). Check it out!

I’ll see you next time. Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

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