Last Friday, I received a goodbye letter from Piper in the mail. Yes, already! She only lived in Forest for about ten days!
I was playing after midnight, and I followed a suggestion I received from D. Val on Youtube. I purposely let bees sting my face, and then I went around town to see everyone’s reactions to my swollen face late at night. Some villagers were scared, others laughed at me, some basically called me stupid, and one tried to arrest me! You can see all of that in the video here:
I played again today, and I got to meet my newest neighbor Peanut. She recently lived in my Wild World town for three years before moving out in June, and I really like her a lot. So I’m glad to have her back!
Genji seemed to be in a really good mood, and he gave me a free pear.
Meanwhile, Hank was looking forward to the harvest festival, and the holiday season in general.
He said it’s his favorite time of year, and he can’t wait to stuff his gut.
Over by the wishing well, Ursala told me that she won’t wear anything except Gracie fashions. The only problem is that Tom Nook is too cheap to stock them.
She said Tom Nook’s goods are low class.
Tom Nook was also in the area, and he wanted to sell me a manhole cover for exactly 1,000 bells. I declined, and he didn’t take the refusal well.
Still, he said he wouldn’t force me to buy it. How generous of him!
Today’s glowing spot contained 30,000 bells instead of the usual 1,000. That’s always a nice surprise!
I hope you all enjoy your harvest festival and holiday season! I’ll be back with another entry in December. Never Stop Crossing!
Yesterday, I found Tutu’s goodbye letter in the mail. She left after three months in town.
My villagers are already looking forward to the fall harvest, even though it’s not even Halloween yet!
You ate crickets? I can’t bear the thought.
Candi was pretending to be Saharah, in a ploy to sell me some carpeting. But I wasn’t interested, so I called her bluff.
Lucky guess.
You don’t say.
Puck asked me what his favorite nighttime event was, the meteor shower or New Year’s Eve. I guessed the latter, and he gleefully told me how wrong I was.
He said that was his favorite last year, not this year. How am I supposed to know a thing like that?
Fall is coming, and Maple was telling me to be careful not to catch a cold.
At the wishing well, I was having fun chasing a bug (a migratory locust) all around. It won’t leave the acre, so it just hops from one spot to another if you keep chasing it. A couple times, it even hopped onto the wishing well and rested there!
After I made my way up to the police station, Tom noticed a bug in my pockets (not the migratory locust, but a long locust). He offered me a far-out shirt for it, and that’s a shirt I didn’t recognize by name.
So I agreed to the trade, mainly out of curiosity. (Not that I had much use for a long locust anyway.) But this is what the shirt looks like.
It’s certainly…unique. Not exactly my favorite, but I decided to keep it on for now.
After completing my full walk around town yesterday, I didn’t find Tutu’s replacement anywhere. I checked my map, and it confirmed that I only had 14 villagers!
Since I’m playing late in the month (and I played early in the month of September), it had been seven weeks since I last played. That’s longer than my usual 4-5 week span, so I had a lot of weeds to pull. But having lots of weeds can also lower your town rating, and a 15th villager won’t move in if your town isn’t rated high enough.
But after pulling all the weeds yesterday (and getting my town status back to perfect), I played again today. Sure enough, a 15th villager has moved in. It was Piper the peppy bird.
Welcome to Forest!
Piper has been mentioned exactly zero times in this blog before today, which means she hasn’t lived in Forest since 2011 at least. But I’ve probably had her at some point before that.
As Baabara was having a fight with Emerald, she was also wearing a scarf with a frog on it…a frog that looked an awful lot like Emerald. But Hank was nearby, and he was immune to their negativity. This is why I like Hank so much in this game (and jocks in general, even though the same doesn’t apply in later games).
Puck tried to tell me he was a kayaking phenom, but I didn’t believe him. He got bummed out because I didn’t believe his lie.
I posted two Animal Crossing GameCube videos in September (since posting my last entry), so check them out if you haven’t seen them yet. Here they are:
I’ll see you again in November! Never Stop Crossing!
Yesterday, I received Cesar’s goodbye letter in the mail. Yes, already! He only lasted about a week and a half in town!
I saw this message on the bulletin board, and it was pretty funny. Once again, I did not do any morning aerobics this summer.
Guilty as charged.
I met up with Cesar’s replacement: It’s Buzz, a cranky eagle.
He lived in Forest before, back in 2012…but I didn’t even meet him at the time! Welcome to Forest, Buzz!
If you’ve been following me (and this game) for a while, you may know that early September brings something special for fishing. There are no sea bass or jellyfish in the ocean in early September, so there are only three fish you can catch in the ocean (excluding the acre with the mouth of the river): Red snappers (3,000 bells), barred knifejaws (5,000 bells), and if it’s raining, coelacanths (15,000 bells). This is the best time of the year to make bells, especially if you do it on a rainy day.
Since it was raining, I set out to take advantage of the situation. For each run, I fished until my pockets were full. Sometimes I’d try another fish or two to possibly replace a red snapper with something better, but then I’d head to the store and sell what I caught. In two hours of fishing, I filled up my pockets 13 times. Here is a chart of what I sold, with the totals in the bottom row.
R. snaps
So I caught a total of 30 coelacanths! And believe it or not, there were at least five or six others that got away! But more importantly, I made over one million bells in one night! That’s something I’ve wanted to do for a few years now, but either I missed out on the rainy days in early September, or I didn’t have enough time to spend a couple hours fishing.
In this pic, you can see my 32 money bags, each with 30,000 bells. I also had 89,000 bells in my pockets. I put it all into savings, and my balance went from 22.13 million to 23.18 million.
Of course, I also encountered some trash while doing all that fishing. But I just left it all near Ursala’s house.
There was something else interesting that I encountered: I saw this huge fish shadow in the river. I tried to fish it out, and it didn’t take the bait. Then it started to almost blend into the shoreline briefly, before floating under the bridge, out of sight. I tried fishing it out, but I never saw it again despite waiting there for over six minutes. So that was a bit disappointing, but I can’t complain considering how many other fish I caught.
I played again today, and I something surprising in the waterfall: It was a rainbow!
It’s only the 2nd time I’ve seen a rainbow in this game, and the first since 2011!
Tom Nook is having a sale on Friday, and several of my villagers tried to hide that fact from me. Just…not very well.
I found Gulliver down on the beach; he apparently fell off his ship again. What’s new? He thanked me for saving his life (you know, by waking him up) and he gave me a tribal mask.
Over at the wishing well, a new message really caught me off guard!
My town rating had taken a hit due to Ursala’s new collection of garbage!
So I was forced to clean up the mess to get Forest back to perfect town status.
When I spoke with my buddy Tom, he told me that he likes the bugs’ sounds of autumn more than the sounds of summer. I think I’d have to agree.
And I’ll wrap up this blog entry with a picture of Pete flying off to deliver the mail. See you all next time!