I woke up early this morning to get my aerobic stamp. But when I started up my game, I saw it was storming. And aerobics are cancelled when it rains. So I woke up early for nothing.
Later on in the day, I played the game normally. (In the morning for aerobics, that’s basically all I do. I don’t check my mail or go to the store or anything). I got a goodbye letter in the mail…but it wasn’t from Lulu, my newest villager. It was from Kitty.
This breaks a trend that’s been happening for a long time in Forest. Maybe a couple years even. The animal that moves out has almost always been the most recent animal that moved in. As for Kitty, I was starting to think she became a permanent resident, like most of my animals seem to be. Oh well. Kitty is gone.
I went into the summer camper’s tent–this week it was Amelia. I played her games for a long time…close to two hours. And still didn’t get the item I was looking for. I have two more weekends of summer campers left to go…
After that nonsense, I decided I was done for the day. I went to the post office to deposit my money into the bank. But on the way, I saw my new villager Rhoda the chicken.