Pinball, Tom Impersonates Tom, and a Typo

For ACC’s Clu Clu Land high score contest, I ended up with third place. This week’s game is Pinball. I didn’t have the game in my basement, so I went to Nookington’s and ordered it. I then saved/quit my game and restarted to force the mail delivery, then gave Pinball a try.

I do generally like pinball video games, but this one’s just average. The sound effects don’t sound very good and there’s no music during gameplay. I think good sound is important in a pinball game, since it can you something to enjoy while you’re watching the ball bouncing around. After playing about four games of it, I ended with a high score of 94,160. I’ll probably try to improve my score again later in the week.

NES Pinball in Animal Crossing.After I was done with that, I walked around and pulled up a few weeds. I talked to Tom the cat, who was doing his impression of the other Tom in town, Tom Nook.

Tom: Hello there, customer! Welcome to my humble store! Please look at my wares!I also stopped to ask Copper about upcoming events. He told me the police station will be running their B.I.P. (Bust Illegal Parkers) campaign tomorrow. In other words, that means Gracie and her car will be in town tomorrow. And I’m not sure if I ever noticed before, but there was a typo in his text. He spelled it “campain” instead of “campaign.”

A typo in Animal Crossing: Campain for campaign.

Clu Clu Land Scores

It was raining again in Forest tonight. I decided to pull some weeds and checked the wishing well to make sure I had perfect town status again.

Wishing well: Everything is perfect! Forest is a very liveable place.I found the money rock along the way, but I only got six bags from it (3,300 bells). I’m out of practice, I guess.

After going to the post office to mail a letter (with a fossil I dug up to the museum) and deposit some bells, I headed home to play some Clu Clu Land. Someone on ACC beat my first score, so I decided to try to regain the high score. This time, I realized I could actually shoot the bad guys. No joke, I didn’t realize that fact until now. Well in my defense, it is more of a puzzle game than an action game. But now I know how to do it.

At one point, the game seemed to glitch on me. My character just stood there without moving. I could still reach left or right, but since I wasn’t moving, it didn’t help at all. I ended up resetting the game so that I could start again. After a few tries, I beat my score with 28,870 points.

My NES Clu Clu Land score.

A Busy Day

It was raining in Forest tonight. I checked my mail. One letter was a good-bye letter from Freckles. Another was the Clu Clu Land game I ordered from Nook.

Freckles' goodbye letter.I went to meet my new neighbor, Penny the mouse. She lives in acre B-1, in the spot where Chico once lived. Her catchphrase is ska-WEAK, which is definitely one of the more unusual default catchphrases I’ve seen.

Penny: Say, have we met before, ska-WEAK?I walked by Kody, who was enamored with a mosquito that was circling around. I let it bite me for his amusement. Although he didn’t particularly seem to enjoy it biting me. He just likes watching it fly in circles, I guess.

Kody watching a mosquito.I asked Copper about upcoming events, and he told me that Crazy Redd would be in town on Friday. I also checked with the wishing well, which told me my town was satisfactory, but could be better. That’s because I haven’t been picking up weeds. I picked up all the ones I came across tonight though.

I then saw Gulliver on the beach. I woke him up and he gave me a stone coin, which looks like it’s about 8 feet tall. I wonder if I can use it to buy an 8-foot tall gumball.

A large stone coin I got from Gulliver.Ursala then wanted me to play a game with her. You know, the ones where she rips you off. I declined the offer and she got very rude.

Ursala: I should have asked someone with a spine, or a bit of humor, or some guts.I didn’t appreciate her comments, so I started pushing her around until she got pissed off. I wasn’t worried; Gulliver had my back.

Ursala: What do you think you're doing? Are you blind? Can't you see me standing here?After that confrontation, Gulliver was talking about his former loves that he left heartbroken…it turns out, he was only talking about goldfish. From now on Gulliver, I won’t ask and you won’t tell.

Gulliver: And I think of Helen often, since I left her heartbroken in Hyrule...After running to the store to sell some things, I went to my house to play some Clu Clu Land. It’s not an easy game to describe. Each level has a bunch of pegs. When your character passes between pegs, it may uncover a coin in that spot. All of the coins in a level make a picture, and you have to uncover the complete picture to clear the level.

There are also enemies you have to avoid in the process, and the controls are quite confusing at first. It’s actually not a bad game once you get the hang of the controls though. I played a few games of it, and ended up with a high score of 15,220 points. I’ll enter this in the contest on Animal Crossing Community. I’m sure I could improve it if I try, but I’m satisfied with that score for today.

NES Clu Clu Land in Animal Crossing.My score in Clu Clu Land.Before saving and quitting the game, I checked out the dump. A zipper shirt was there, so I picked it up and put in on. That’s all for now. See you next time.

Putting on a zipper shirt I got from the dump.