Since it rained yesterday, there were no wilties today. I still watered my black roses though, because I don’t want them to wilt (and perhaps get turned into gold roses prematurely). I want to keep them as black roses for now, so they can breed into (hopefully) more black roses. Speaking of which, I had one new black rose pop up today.
While making my daily rounds, I ran into Pete. His presence meant that Gulliver would not be flying his UFO over town today. But I’m still going to keep trying to get Gulliver again, at least until I get a Metroid from him.
After talking to Antonio, I saw another blue tail that looked exactly like his. For a second I wondered if Antonio either teleported (it wasn’t on Wi-Fi, so that wasn’t likely) or if maybe he had a twin. It turned out it was Pango, my new neighbor (also a blue anteater) who just moved in today. For some reason, she was snooping around behind my house. Usually it’s Bob that does that.
If any of you have any questions about my town, just leave a comment and I’ll answer it in the next blog. You don’t have to register or anything to leave a comment, so it should be painless.