Friday Night…Sumo?

Once again, it was raining tonight in Forest. I wish I could bottle up this rain and save some of it for the fall when it’s bone dry. I opened my gate at about 10:05 and ToonZelda (dressed as an orange) and Bushido came in. TZ gave me a balloon and a piece of cake to eat. The cake was tasty! The balloon, not so much.

Jeff eats a cake.TZ and Bushy went fishing for coelacanths while I checked on my flowers. No new black roses today.

A little bit later, Kristian came in. I hadn’t seen him in a few months. He only stayed about 15 minutes, but it was 3:30 a.m. for him by the time he left! I generally don’t add players from Europe due to the time difference, but it works out when the person stays up late like that!

TZ and Bushy then decided we should play some sumo, since TZ brought some pitfall seeds with her. We played several rounds, and shockingly, I won almost every round I played. I probably haven’t done that well at sumo since 2009. I used to be fairly good at it back then, but not so much lately. Of course I don’t play as often as I used to, so I’ve definitely been out of practice, but maybe I just got lucky tonight.

Jeff, celebrating a sumo win: Yesss! T Zelda: Wahhh.Soon after, my town filled back up as Robin came in. She had a balloon, just like TZ and I did. So poor Bushy was the only one without a balloon.

Jeff, T Zelda, and Robin hold balloons, as Bushido just holds an umbrella.We went to my house, where TZ and Robin blocked the door so Bushy kept getting pushed out. Poor Bushy. 😛 We just hung out in my house for a while and discussed interesting things like scrambled eggs and how to pronounce “drawers.”

Bushido: droor. Jeff: It's dooroooaooeewwrrars.Bushy left soon after that, and not two minutes later, we all got disconnected. I reopened my gate after a few minutes. TZ came back just to say she was leaving for the night. 😛

It was about 11:45 by then, so I just went back and forth looking for fish and bugs for a while. I was about to give up on anyone else coming in when Robin returned. (That sounds like a Batman spin-off movie…Robin Returns).

We discussed hybrids and shook some trees and then she mentioned she wanted to try sumo. Unfortunately, the pitfall seeds TZ brought earlier were virtually all gone. I checked my lost and found to get a few, but it still wasn’t enough to surround the whole ring. But we went on and played a few rounds anyway. She had some interesting characters, including “Wrestler Mariachi” (complete with mustache) and “Bear with Boobs” (complete with…uhh…ears). 😀

Jeff: Too slow XDIt was definitely a fun night in Forest.

I never did catch any coelacanths tonight, but I did catch a few goliath beetles. Just one more week until July, when the full array of summer bugs will be out. That includes the evening cicada, which I’ve caught before, but I somehow neglected to donate it to the museum. It’s the only insect missing from my museum. I’ve been waiting almost a year for another chance to catch it. It’s not even a rare bug. Well that will be remedied soon enough. Okay, that’s all for now. Catch you guys next time.

By the way, if you enjoy ACCF blogs, check out Robin’s ACCF blog: The Daily Daybreak.

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