Kiki, No Seeking, Rosie Urinal, Arapaima

I went to the city to check for the solemn painting. Redd didn’t have it, but I noticed my old friend Kiki was in the city. She used to be in my town, last year I believe. So I said hello.

Kiki: I'm not sure I brought enough spending cash...When I got back to Forest, I started watering my flowers. I saw Saharah, who was looking for old carpets. Curly found me and wanted to play hide and seek. Since it was between 5:00 and 5:30, I was busy looking for Pete, so I declined. (Pete’s appearance during that time rules out a Gulliver fly-by for that day, and I’ve been trying to track Gulliver down).

Curly: Well, whatever. Here's the deal. Hide-and-seek. For all the marbles. Rigth now, you valve!I also saw Rosie along the way, and she offered me a “lucky” trade. I would get her four-ball shirt and she would get my men’s toilet. (Why does she want that? She could just use Francine’s urinal instead). I went on and accepted her trade. I don’t know if the lucky trade actually results in an increase of luck or not, but I kind of doubt it.

Rosie: Huh? What do I want? Oh, I dunno... I want your men's toilet!Continuing on, I saw a large shadow in the river. That’s always good, so I fished it out and it was an arapaima.

I caught an arapaima! It's about time-a!By the time I was done, only two of my animals (Nana and Ruby) ended up giving me old carpets. I checked my storage, but I didn’t have any in there either, so no rare carpet for me today. I’ll save these two for next time.

I never found Pete, so I knew there was at least a chance Gulliver’s UFO could fly over. I left the game on for a couple hours (checking in the first ten minutes of each hour for the UFO, but it never came). One of these days, Gulliver, we will meet again.

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