Gulliver Shot Down Over Forest. News at 11.

I got a letter in the mail from Pierce. He thanked me for giving him medicine the other day. He also sent me an orange chair.

Jeff! Thanks to you, I'm back to feeling fully PUMPED! Here's a little something for getting me back in fighting shape! -Keep it H-core, Pierce!I then went to the city today and Peaches was there again. That makes three times in the last four days for both Peaches and Marina. Peaches was there Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Marina was there Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. So perhaps the animal rotation in the city isn’t as random as I thought.

Peaches: Summer means sales, and I mean to get myself a new wardrobe, neighbor!No visitors were in town today. And Pete was not anywhere to be found between 5:00 and 5:30. Those two things combined, according to the guide, assure the appearance of the UFO. And it was right. At 7:07, the UFO flew overhead and I shot it down. After a little looking, I found the spaceship part. I’ll be getting a new Gulliver item tomorrow. As always, I’m hoping for a Metroid. 🙂

Gulliver's UFO flies overhead.Mint then suggested a new nickname for me…Twinkles. No way! I don’t care how well thought out they are. She asked me to choose a nickname, so I went with J-Bot. It’s a nickname animals have given me before, and it’s better than most of the names they choose (cupcake, old dog), so I went with that.

Mint: "J-Bot"...? You like that better? Jeff: Much better!