Peaches and Fossils

I talked to Peaches today and she asked me to find a fossil for her.

Peaches: That's where you come in, J-Bot! Do you think maybe you could dig up a fossil for me?Nook ‘n’ Go had a dolly, which I needed for my catalog, so I bought it. I ended up sending it to a friend who will surely play with it. 😀

At one point, I was on the lower level of town and I saw a balloon present flying over the upper part of town. I just watched it go by. Bob also seemed to be watching it.

A balloon present flies by in the distance, as Bob seems to look in its general direction.I took a fossil I dug up to Blathers so he could identify it. It was a stego torso. I took it to Peaches, and she gave me an automatic washer for it.

Peaches: Ah, I know. I'm going to give you an automatic washer as a token of my appreciation, neighbor!

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