Sunday Night Fireworks

I opened my gate at 7:03 for the fireworks festival. TZ and Mike quickly came in. They had some fun with fireworks while I watered my flowers. Once I got done, I saw that they had trapped Tortimer. His jail cell was a little too close to my lucky blue roses, so I moved his cell up a little.

Jeff: Tortimer's jogging in place.We caught bugs and fish for a while, which is usual for summertime. TZ and Mike both had some fun planting pitfall seeds for me.

Jeff stuck in a pitfall.Among other valuable bugs and fish, I caught two sharks tonight. I’m not sure what Mike is doing in this picture.

I caught a shark! Check out that toothy grin!TZ left at 8:00 and I ended up closing my gate at 8:20. I won’t be opening my gate next Sunday, so this was everybody’s last chance to see fireworks in Forest. At least until next year.