Flowers and an Arapaima

I don’t know if it’s the rain or the season or just pure luck, but hybrids are popping up more often lately. Three new black roses appeared today. I hope this trend continues, because I do want to eventually line all my paths with gold roses. And if I can get 2-3 new black roses a day, that will speed up the process. Even if it does still take a year or two. 😛

I also had a new Jacob’s ladder pop up today. But I really don’t need any more of those. I have a few in my town, and more in storage, but there isn’t anything I need them for. So I put one in the free flower area a few weeks ago, and nobody has taken it. I guess I’ll just start selling them, although they only sell for 90 bells apiece.

I caught an arapaima in the river today, near the top of the waterfall.  It sold for 10,000 bells.

Fishing an arapaima out of the water in ACCF on Wii.

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