Visitors, Green Grass, Rose Count, Reporting Catchphrases

The first thing I noticed today is that the grass color has changed. The bluish color is gone, and grass and trees now look greener. I always thought it seemed odd that the grass gets greener as summer is ending, but I welcome the change. It’s a more pleasant shade than the bluish green that has been in place for the last six weeks or so.

The new green shade of grass for late September.I opened my gate at about 10:03 tonight. Ronnie came in. I watered my flowers as we talked. I saw a big fish in the river, so I got my fishing rod out and caught it; it was a king salmon. It sold for 1,800 bells.

Jeff, holding up a king salmon: It's a good one.Before long, Mike also came in. I gave him a silver rod I picked up for him a few days ago. When I was done watering flowers, we all went in my house for a while. We then went to the museum to try glitching in the observatory and the Roost.

Merging in the Roost in ACCF.When we were done, Mike had to go. Ronnie left a few minutes later.

After selling some things, I collect seashells. I found one scallop, which I attached to a letter so I’m prepared the next time Pascal is in town.

Then I went to talk to Pierce. I again told him not to move out of town, but he still says it’s too late. He said we should be pumped about the time we have left together. I found that a little amusing, because he looked rather pumped himself in his bikini. 😀

Pierce: Come on! Let's at least try to be pumped, you valve. Even if it's fake pumpitude.As you can see, he is using the catchphrase “you valve.” That was a catchphrase I gave Rhonda months ago. It was an inside joke with Jorge. But it has spread amongst my animals like wildfire. Most of my animals have been saying it lately, and I’m really tired of it. So I’m starting to report the animals that are saying it to town hall to force them to change it. I reported Mint, Nana, and Peaches, who are all saying it. I didn’t report Pierce since he’s on his way out of town. Still, there are others that say it too… I may need to report them soon if I want to get rid of the catchphrase for good.

Phyllis: OK. We'll tell Peaches to watch her mouth. (Sheesh! Kids today!)After that, I decided to count my black and gold roses, since it has been a very long time since I counted them. The totals surprised me…not because of how many or how few, but because the numbers were identical. I have 115 black roses and 115 gold roses. What a coincidence. 😮

After that, I closed my gate and ended my game for the night.