Welcome to October

September is gone, and so is the green grass. This is the new grass color.

The new grass color for early October.I watered my flowers, finding two new black roses today. I also caught a pike in the river.

Since it’s October now, I wanted to decorate for Halloween a little. I cleaned out my main room of my house and put my gorgeous furniture set in storage. In its place, I brought out the spooky furniture set. I kept the mega howloid, since its screams fit in nicely with my room. Of course I have K.K. Dirge playing now as well.

I ordered a skeleton to place in my room, so I’ll post a picture of my room once that arrives. I ended up cleaning out some re-orderable items in my storage to make room for the Roman candles I put away.

Then I switched to my Guest character and changed my paths. The design is the same, but the “bricks” are now orange instead of green.

My black and orange path through town.Scott got a letter from “Mom,” and I just have to say I really like the paper she used.

Dear Scott, The days are cooling down, and the leaves are just starting to change color. For some reason, it makes me feel a little sentimental. I should write a poem. -MomUnfortunately, I did not get the new DLC for October today. Hopefully I’ll get it tomorrow.

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