Luckiest Day Ever

As you may know, I shot down the UFO last Thursday. So I didn’t think the odds would be very good of seeing him again this soon. So instead of checking 2 or 3 different hours, I decided I would only check one hour and that’s it. Well what do you know, barely two minutes after I started up the game, I heard the UFO! Better yet, he passed basically directly over me! I had to run toward the river a little bit, but it was an easy shot. Smokin’!

Shooting Gulliver's UFO with my slingshot.So that was pretty lucky, right? Especially for just having shot him down four days ago. I had to search a bit for the spaceship part, but I eventually found it.

Then I went on my daily walk to water my flowers. I found a new black rose, and another, and another…  In all, I found FIVE new black roses today! Amazing! One of them was at my usual hotspot (the two blue roses next to Scott’s beachfront house).

A new black rose I found near my two blue roses.That has got to be my luckiest day in Forest ever. And I’ll get a new Gulliver item tomorrow. Sweet. 🙂

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