New Year’s Eve

It’s New Year’s Eve, and that means this is the one day of the year that you can get party poppers. So I tried to stock up.

Tortimer: It's a party popper. 'Cause it's not a party unless you're making loud noises! Heh HAR HOORF!I opened my gate around 10:30. Bradley and Bushido came in. A few minutes later, Yann also joined in. We were all getting some party poppers and hanging out around town hall.

Jeff fires off a party popper at Yann's head.After a while, we headed over to The Roost to watch K.K. perform a few songs.

Four players enjoying a performance from K.K. Slider in the Roost in ACCF.We also spent time looking through the exhibits in my newly-completed museum.

The four of us in the bug room at the museum.When it was getting close to countdown time, we all headed back over to town hall.

Tortimer: Are you SURE you don't need to use the bathroom?!Before long, the clock struck 12:00 and 2012 was here! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Standing at the New Year's Eve countdown clock with Tortimer.Jeff: HAPPY NEW YEAR!Shortly after that, Bushido and Bradley left. Yann and I found a good spot to watch fireworks.

Jeff and Yann stand on the bridge, watching fireworks explode in the sky.We decided to trap some animals on the beach, so we rounded up four of them. It was kind of funny seeing them happy and applauding, even though they were locked up in a virtual prison cell.

Jeff: SUCCESS!I left the room for a while to go get a snack (pizza rolls FTW). When I came back, I saw someone leaving. For a second, I thought Yann got tired of waiting for me and left, but it was actually Skye leaving. She dropped in to say Happy New Year. It’s a shame she left so quickly; I didn’t even get to say hi. But it was nice of her to stop by, at least.

As I was eating, I saw Bob walk by in the background. I pointed it out and Yann brought him over. The prison cell is only 4 spaces wide, so it took some hard work, but we eventually got all 5 animals squeezed into those 4 spaces.

Yann and Jeff celebrate after pushing five animals into an enclosed area on the beach.Before long, I ended the party.

Just a couple notes. I found out my Anchovy, who recently left Forest, moved into Yann’s town Tropical. I haven’t been there to visit him yet though. Also, Yann has started an ACCF blog of her own: MaryAnn’s ACCF Blog. So check it out if you’d like.

Take care and have a GREAT 2012, everybody!

Rowan, Museum Model, Del Medicine

A new animal moved into Forest today: Rowan. He looks a lot different when he’s not playing Mr. Bean.

Rowan: SWEEEEEET! Good to meet you. My name's Rowan!I went to Bradley’s town for a visit this evening.

Jeff: Neon hot dogs! Bradley: That's candy.After I was done, I then went back to my town and checked my mail. I had a letter from Blathers at the museum.

My dear Jeff, It is with great pleasure that I announce that all exhibits at this museum have been completed. Hoo! To celebrate, please accept this commemorative gift! -Blathers, Museum CuratorMy reward for completing the museum is the museum model. Unfortunately, you can’t light up the doorway like you could on GameCube.

My new museum model on display in my snowman room.I then remembered that Del was sick, so I bought him some medicine and gave it to him. He flipped for it.

Del jumps up as he takes his medicine.

Museum Completed!

Wednesday is the day Crazy Redd gets new inventory, so I went to the city to check out what he had. It turns out he had the solemn painting, which is the only painting I needed to complete my museum.

I bought it and took it to Blathers at the museum. I was halfway expecting it to be a fake like it was last time. But no, it’s the real deal! My museum is now complete!

Blathers: This means...each and every collection is complete?! Hoo! WOO HOOTIE HOO!Blathers: Thanks to the cooperation of the members of this community, the museum collections are complete!It took me over three years, but I finally completed it. Anyway, Nook had an Arwing for sale today. At first I passed on it, but later I decided to buy it. Mainly because I wondered if it made some cool sound effects. Turns out it only plays a tiny bit of music.

An Arwing (from Star Fox) on sale at Nook 'n' Go in ACCF.My friend MaryAnn (Yann) recently got a new Wii (her old one stopped playing discs), so she came over to visit Forest for a little while. I gave her a tour and we went to visit all the animals we could find (except Del, who was sick and locked in his house).

Yann and Jeff visit Kid Cat.Tomorrow, I should get my reward for completing the museum, the museum model.