Yukon Inspiration

I rode the bus to the city, and I saw it was snowing there. That saved me from having to water my flowers.

It’s Christmas time, so I decided to go into Shampoodle’s to get a makeover. I rarely use my Mii in ACCF, but I decided to swap out my Zoidberg Mii for my Yukon Cornelius Mii. It didn’t go good with my pulse shirt, so I switched into a Christmas tree pattern, which was only slightly better.

Me wearing my Yukon Cornelius Mii mask in Able Sisters.I then went to the marquee (theater) to check for new emotions. Shockingly, Frillard was there for a change!

Frillard: Oh! That's right!I got inspiration (the light bulb). I’ve been wanting this emotion for a long time.

Yukon Cornelius (aka Jeff in a Mii mask) using the inspiration emotion in the marquee theater in ACCF.It was quite a productive day in the city.

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