Butch is Leaving Me

Nook had a large festive tree for sale today, so I bought it to replace my smaller one. Here’s how it looks in my house.

My new large festive tree in my snowman-themed room in ACCF.It snowed in the city today, so I didn’t have to water my flowers. I talked to some animals around town. Ruby wanted me to give her a new greeting; she currently says “I’m an alien!” But I didn’t want to change it, so she got depressed. Typical alien.

But I got a big surprise when I went into Butch’s house…he’s all packed up and ready to move out! He had become one of my favorite villagers. This random moving nonsense gets annoying.

Butch: I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not running off to the circus... But I am moving!Anyway, the gas mask was back to normal today. And tomorrow marks the change to a snow-covered ground, so town will look quite different tomorrow.

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