Moai Statue

Upon starting my game, Anchovy reminded me that Gulliver was on the beach. (Not that I needed a reminder).

Anchovy: There's a weird character sprawled out face-first on the beach right now, yes yes!In my mailbox was a letter from the snowman. He sent me a snowman. 😛

I then went down to the beach to talk to Gulliver. It took me a while to wake him up, but he eventually gave me a Moai statue…also known as an Easter Island head. Here is a picture of my two new items:

My snowman and Moai statue.I didn’t do much else today, but I did talk to some of my animals while walking around town.

Bob: I am your mother. It's the perfect weather for chillin' outside!

Snow Bros and UFOs

I got a letter from the Snowman, giving me a snowman dresser. It wasn’t snowing in Forest today, but it was snowing in the city. I’ll take it.

Today’s snowballs were practically right next to each other, so I couldn’t resist trying for another snowman. I initially made the “head” ball too big, so I went on and made that the body instead. I built the snowman next to his brother, who was “born” yesterday. It was again a perfect snowman. I’m on a roll! 4-for-4!

Snowman: I hope you know you've rolled together the happiest guy in this whole winter wonderland!A large snowman next to a smaller snowman, as Yuka walks by.For the first time in over a month, the UFO made an appearance! It flew by right-to-left. Even though I was ready with my slingshot, it somehow got by me. I chased it around and caught up with it near the left edge of town. But if you shoot it as it’s about to go over the wall, it sometimes won’t leave a spaceship part. I knew he would be flying back left-to-right (although I didn’t know which path he would take), so I waited for the return trip instead of risking getting nothing. I had to run north a bit to see the UFO, but I got it!

Shooting a flying saucer (UFO) with my slingshot at sunset in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF) for Wii.Unfortunately, I killed a couple of red roses in the process. But that’s no big deal. I had extras anyway. I recovered the spaceship part and I’ll be ready to get another Gulliver item tomorrow. By my count, this is my 10th time shooting down the UFO and recovering a spaceship part. All 10 of those times have been in 2011.

A Visit from Saharah

Saharah was in town, looking for old wallpaper. So I went around, asking my villagers for some.

Peaches: Next time I redecorate, I'll be sure to save my old wallpaper for you, my kidneys!Only Bob and Kid Cat had some for me, but fortunately I had one in storage. So I took the three old wallpapers back to Saharah and she gave me the office wall. It was one I needed for my checklist, so that’s good. And it didn’t look as bad as I was expecting.

The office wall on display in my otherwise snowman-themed house.Two snowballs were close together, so I built a snowman, and it was a perfect one. I’m 3-for-3 so far this season.

When I talked to Puddles, she told me to plant three trees in Charvale (Skye’s town) to have good luck with money. Fortunately, Skye was opening her gate tonight, so I stopped over and planted three trees. Her friend Skoll was there as well. I also talked to some of her animals.

Harry: I'm impressed you managed to drag yourself all the way here in this weather. I'm frozen solid here!Skye, with a rose in her mouth: Let's tango.