
It was snowing in Forest today, so I didn’t have to water my flowers.

Kid Cat: SNOW! It's snowing! And it's delicious, yes yes!I had two letters in the mail. One was a good-bye letter from Butch.

Jeff, It's been a blast, pal, but I've made up my mind and I'm moving far away. I've always been a drifter at heart: I'm going wherever the wind takes me. -ButchThe other was a letter from Ruby regarding our game of hide-and-seek yesterday.

Tee hee, Jeff: Hide-and-seek was super-crazy fun, but losing was, like, so totally BOOOO! Next time I'm gonna WIN! -Tee hee! From RubyShe sent me a drilloid as my prize.

A drillion as shown in my snowman themed house.I found both of my snowballs today, so I decided to try making my first snowman of the season.

Jeff pushes a medium-sized snowball over a bridge in Animal Crossing City Folk (ACCF) for Wii.Despite being very out of practice (obviously), I ended up making a good one.

Snowman: It's a new season, and I'm completely gorgeous! Look at these proportions! I'm mathematically flawless!Skye invited me over to her town Charvale, so I went there for a visit. I really like her icy brick pattern.

Jeff: Designer ice cubes.Skye’s friend Skoll was also there.

Harry: So, Jeff, is this your first time in Charvale? Jeff: Sure is.Skye had a big cucumber in her house. I had never seen the item before, so I asked to catalog it. It’s called a cucumber horse. Before long, Bradley also joined in. I had a Roman candle, so I tried to kill Skye’s snowman.

Jeff, holding a roman candle up to a snowman: Murder time.Needless to say, it didn’t work.

Jeff: Y U NO MELT? Bradley: He's indestructible.After a couple of disconnections, Skye found out that Skoll wasn’t coming back. Skye suggested going to another town and we ended up going to Bradley’s town Animal C for a while. We hung out for a little bit and then I headed for home. I ordered the cucumber horse from my catalog, so I should get it tomorrow.

Hide and Seek

Snow now covers the ground in Forest. Which is odd, considering it didn’t snow yesterday or today. I guess all that snow must have fallen between 5:59 and 6:00 a.m. this morning. 😉

Ruby was in the mood to play in the snow, as she asked me to play hide-and-seek.

Ruby: OHMIGOSH! J-bot! Let's play hide-and-seek!I only had 10 minutes to find Ruby, Kid Cat, and Mint. With nearly half of that time gone, I still hadn’t found any of them and thought I was destined to fail badly at this game. But then I found Mint behind a tree near the beach. Shortly after, I saw Kid Cat peering out from behind my house.

Kid Cat peeks out from behind my house during a game of hide-and-seek in Animal Crossing: City Folk for Nintendo Wii.About a minute later, I found Ruby standing right next to Nook’s. I found them all!

Ruby: Ohmigosh, I am COVERED in sweat!Ruby said my present was in the mail. I don’t know how she could have mailed it already, since I was with her the whole time since I found her, but I’ll take her word for it.

I continued on, watering my flowers and digging up fossils and gyroids. Even though I saw one snowball on the ground, I never found the other one. So I didn’t get to try making a snowman. I found one new black rose today. And I stopped by Butch’s house; today is his last day in town and I said one last sad goodbye.

Butch: I've got everything packed, but it's going to be kinda lonely leaving this place behind...yes yes.

Butch is Leaving Me

Nook had a large festive tree for sale today, so I bought it to replace my smaller one. Here’s how it looks in my house.

My new large festive tree in my snowman-themed room in ACCF.It snowed in the city today, so I didn’t have to water my flowers. I talked to some animals around town. Ruby wanted me to give her a new greeting; she currently says “I’m an alien!” But I didn’t want to change it, so she got depressed. Typical alien.

But I got a big surprise when I went into Butch’s house…he’s all packed up and ready to move out! He had become one of my favorite villagers. This random moving nonsense gets annoying.

Butch: I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not running off to the circus... But I am moving!Anyway, the gas mask was back to normal today. And tomorrow marks the change to a snow-covered ground, so town will look quite different tomorrow.