Just Don’t Expect to Get Your Bloody Black Gas Mask Back

After watering my flowers, I decided to change my main floor of my house. I put the spooky set into storage and brought out the snowman set.

My snowman furniture set (and a festive tree) on display in my house.In Scott’s house, I moved most of the maze/obstacle course into the basement. At least the important parts needed to maneuver through the maze. I opened my gate about 10:10. Bradley, Bushido, and TZ quickly came in. Bushy forgot to bring Katie, oh well.

I saw Saharah was in town. That struck me as odd because I’m fairly sure she wasn’t there when my gate was closed. Maybe because Kaitlin was in town? Kaitlin will disappear once the gate has been opened, so I’m guessing that’s why Saharah only appeared while the gate was open.

I asked all my neighbors for old flooring (except for Poppy, who was locked indoors sick) and I got three of them. I exchanged them for a music-room floor.

Saharah: Here...a music-room floor. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.After TZ tried (and failed) to pitfall me, I saw an X on the shoreline. I dug up a fossil, which was almost underwater.

Digging up an item buried under shallow water.We went into my house and I ended up getting mad at someone who always complains that I don’t decorate my house the way they want it. Sorry, but it’s my house and my town, I’ll decorate it the way I want.

I was headed to the museum to identify some fossils I dug up, but as I was going through the museum door, we all got disconnected. I started the game back up and decided to re-dig up the fossils, identify them, and sell them before I re-opened my gate. When I did, it quickly filled back up, again with Bradley, TZ, and Bushido.

Unfortunately, I no longer had the music-room floor. So I had to start all over with Saharah, asking all my animals for old flooring as everyone else was fishing. This time only two of my animals had some, so I didn’t have enough to get a rare carpet from Saharah. I put them in storage for next time.

TZ called us to the Able Sisters, where she said the gas mask on display was all black. I first saw it as Bushido was trying it on and it looked normal. But after it went back on display, I briefly saw it all-black before Bradley bought it. This is a known, but fairly rare glitch, where accessories on display in Able Sisters or in a player’s house can appear all-black.

Viewers of my Youtube channel may remember that this happened with a bunny hood I had in my house in 2010. It can be seen in this video: Wi-Fi Moments #27 (about 2 and a half minutes into the video).

A little later, Bushido and TZ called me over to see something else. They were both fishing at the same spot and they partially merged.

Bushido and TZ partially merged while fishing in the ocean.We all fished for a while, and then TZ and Bushy left. Bradley stayed a little bit longer and then I closed the gate about midnight. After that, I cleaned up an item left by a litterbug and took it to the recycle bin. I saw someone put the gas mask in there, so I took it and put it in my house. Once again, it was all black as I set it down. This time, I got a good look at it and snapped a picture.

A gas mask in Animal Crossing: City Folk that was displaying in all black, due to a glitch.

It Wasn’t a Rock…

It was snowing in my town, so I didn’t have to water my flowers today. I’m loving that. I still did my daily walk around town, of course. I found one new black rose. When walking by the ocean, I saw a large shadow. It wasn’t the coelacanth I was hoping for, but I still made a nice catch: A lobster.

I caught a lobster! That makes me a lobSTAR!I also saw Kaitlin (the mother cat) was in town. She lost her daughter Katie in Toshi, which is Bushido’s town. Most likely, Bushy will bring Katie with him if he comes to visit on Friday.

Kaitlin: I think the last place we went was Toshi...

Yukon Inspiration

I rode the bus to the city, and I saw it was snowing there. That saved me from having to water my flowers.

It’s Christmas time, so I decided to go into Shampoodle’s to get a makeover. I rarely use my Mii in ACCF, but I decided to swap out my Zoidberg Mii for my Yukon Cornelius Mii. It didn’t go good with my pulse shirt, so I switched into a Christmas tree pattern, which was only slightly better.

Me wearing my Yukon Cornelius Mii mask in Able Sisters.I then went to the marquee (theater) to check for new emotions. Shockingly, Frillard was there for a change!

Frillard: Oh! That's right!I got inspiration (the light bulb). I’ve been wanting this emotion for a long time.

Yukon Cornelius (aka Jeff in a Mii mask) using the inspiration emotion in the marquee theater in ACCF.It was quite a productive day in the city.