Mo Moai

Today, I went to see Gulliver on the beach.

Gulliver: Oh, how rude of me! Space child, please accept this gift from beyond the stars for your kind help.He gave me another Moai statue, which is the Easter Island head. I’m not happy that I got a duplicate item, but at least it’s an item that looks good in pairs.

Two Moai statues in my golden room.For my own reference, this is my 11th time getting an item from Gulliver (and the first in 2012, naturally). I noticed that there was snow on Gulliver’s UFO. This was also my first time shooting him down in winter, so I never saw the snow on his ship before.

Gulliver's crash-landed spaceship (UFO).As I left Nook’s today, he again asked me what I value in a store. I remembered that I blogged about it last time, and I was going to see how long it was between times that he asks. Everyone on the internet seems to say one month or 30 days, but I didn’t think it was that often.

That blog entry was from November 26, which made for a difference of 38 days, or 5 and a half weeks. So I was right about it being longer than 30 days, but not by a large margin. I suppose it’s possible that the amount of time varies, but I don’t know. Maybe I’ll revisit this issue the next time Nook asks.

Tom Nook: For example, Jeff... What do you look for in a store, hm?